Chapter 5

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Owen's POV

I sat up in the bed, pain stinging at my neck. I reached back to touch the bite mark on my neck. I pulled away, examining my finger to see that it was the bleeding bite mark on my neck. Confusion tugged at my mind, but no answers came.

Frustrated, I got out of bed, only to crumple to the floor. Pain seared in my hips, and a warm liquid began to run down my legs. I stood slowly, rubbing the tender area on my back. Finding my clothes in a pile, I dressed before lookeling behind me.

Turning back to the bed, I froze. Laying right next to me, was the Alpha. I didn't move as memories of last night invaded my mind. Mate. He's my mate. Fear, nervousness, and excitement ran through me as I stared at Alistair's sleeping form.

As I decided to wake him up, Alistair stirred, opening his eyes. I jumped back slightly, startling him. He blinked a few times, inspecting me from head to toe. "You're..." He stopped for a moment, yawning. "You're my mate?" I looked down, nodding. I shut my eyes, waiting for him to pull me close, or smile. When nothing happened, I opened my eyes, only to see Alistair glaring at me. "What-"



"You're disgusting." Alistair's words cut through me, reverberating in my mind. "But... Last night..."

"Please, that was just my wolf talking. I would never accept an Omega as a mate. Let alone a guy." He stood up, moving towards me. Panic began to spread though me, and without a thought, I ran. Racing out of the bedroom, I flung myself down the stairs and out of the house. Alistair chased after me, but I refused to look back. As I ran, I stumbled over the rocky path, my lower half tender and sore.

Soon, I heard not just Alistair's voice, but the voices of other pack members. They must have heard him calling after me, and wanted to join in. I would never accept an Omega. Pain and sorrow stabbed at my chest. Why? Why would you do something like that if you weren't going to accept me? Tears ran down my face as I continued running.

Using your wolf as an excuse. I grit my teeth, annoyed by the excuse. I never had a wolf, or at least, I don't have one anymore. It was not uncommon, to lose your wolf, but it took a toll on your body.

Lost in thought, I tripped, stumbling on the tree roots sticking up from the ground. The men caught up with me, Alistair standing in front of them, his eyes cold and unfeeling. Fear crept up again, and I tried to move away, not getting far before he began to speak.

"I, Alistair Wolfe-"

"No! Please! Don't do this!" I begged him, tears flowing down my face. Kirk stepped forward. "Shut your trap, mutt." He landed a hard kick to my side, knocking my breath away. I stopped moving, the pain throbbing in my stomach.

Once more, Alistair spoke. "I, Alistair Wolfe, hereby reject you, Owen Lykos, as my mate." Pain ripped through me, and I screamed. My body trembled, his words rushing through my mind. I... Reject... Reject you... I screamed once more before stilling, my vision shaking. I didn't dare look up, but I could hear the shuffling of feet before, "Goodbye, Owen."

As Alistair turned away, I managed to drag myself behind a tree, shrinking myself up and holding my breath. I waited until all of the voices were gone, and the forest was silent. Then, I began to cry. Why? After all the things you said yesterday, why would you reject me? Even if it was your wolf speaking, surely you shared some of his feelings, right? Sobs shook my body, the pain in my chest constricting my breathing. I continued to cry, until I was too tired and in too much pain to continue. Then I lay on the cold ground, the throbbing rythm of aches and sores lulling me to sleep.

Waking up the following morning was torture. Though the pain had somewhat subsided, there was still a dull pulse of pain that continued to restrict my movements. Sitting up, I groaned, squinting at the light shining through the canopy. Standing up, I attempted to stretch, only to hunch over and throw up. Bile clawed at my throat, and my stomach burned as I emptied it's contents on the floor of the forest.

Dizziness slowed my movement as I attempted to look around. I looked back towards where I came. Could I go back? Was I allowed to? I pondered this before deciding against it. Even if I was allowed back, I didn't want to go. Not of it meant having to watch as my mate found a different family, and left me alone.

Making my decision. I moved farther into the woods, away from my home, and away from my mate.

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