Chapter 9

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Owen's POV

"My name is Alistair. Pleased to meet y-" I slammed the door almost immediately, fear creeping up my throat. I ran as quietly as possible to my bedroom, locking myself in the closet. My breathing was labored, and I rubbed my stomach, attempting to calm myself.

I waited for a moment, listening to the sounds of yelling outside. Sarah was a smart person. By now she had figured out what was going on. Finally, there was silence outside, followed by a knock at the door.

I opened it cautiously, breathing a sigh of relief when only Sarah was behind the door. Her face and eyes were red, her cheeks stained with tears. She rushed inside, pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry." She sobbed. "I'm so sorry." I held her close, waiting for her to calm down.

We sat down in the living room, and I took a deep breath before starting to speak. "Alistair Wolfe is the Alpha of my pack. Four months ago, we found out we were mates. He and his wolf mated with me, then rejected me." Sarah gasped. "Why?" I shrugged. "No one in my pack wants an Omega for a mate. It's considered a unlucky. But, the damage was already done." I pulled down my collar, revealing the large bite mark on my neck, clearly marked on my skin.

I could hear Sarah's labored breathing as she listened. We sat in silence after that, and I finally got Sarah to calm down completely before sending her home.

I rested at home the rest of the day, ridding myself of any remaining unease. By the next morning, I felt much better, my worries gone.

Forgetting all my problems, I carelessly decided to head outside, hoping to get something to eat. As I closed the door behind me, I could feel someone staring at me.

I turned, stopping dead as I looked at the same face that broke my heart. "O... Owen?" His face was a mixture of emotions. Happy​, confused, angry, surprised, but I didn't get to look at him long enough to see anything else before I started running.

I could hear his footsteps behind me as I gasped for air, my adrenaline fading. Finally, he managed to grab my wrist, pulling me to the pack house and into a room. He pushed me against the wall, inspecting me from head to toe. "You're... Pregnant?" I glared, not saying anything as his lips curved into a smile and he leaned close. "If you don't want to get hurt, you're going to do exactly as I say."

Alistair's POV

I woke up the next day, prepared to find out who it was that Sarah was so upset for. I assumed it wouldn't be easy, but as I approached the house, I saw a figure open the door and turn, holding the key in their hand.

I stood for a moment, astonished that it would be so easy, then, with a sudden realization, I knew exactly who it was. "O... Owen?" Owen jumped, stopping as his face turned towards me.

I stepped forward just as he turned to run. I quickly chased after him, wanting answers. He was fast, I'd admit that, but I was faster. Luckily, I caught him close to the pack house, and managed to pull him into my room, pinning him against the wall.

As I stared at the face of my mate, I had mixed emotions. I ran my eyes over him, nearly falling over as I looked at his stomach. "You're... Pregnant?" Owen paled as I stared, and idea forming in my head as I smiled. He glared slightly, but he trembled as I leaned close, whispering in his ear. "If you don't want to get hurt, you're going to do exactly as I say."

Owen's eyes widened as he began to struggle in my grasp. "No! Let me go!" His voice was soft and sweet, and my wolf began to howl with desire as I felt him squirm. I let him go, tossing him on the bed, watching as he pushed himself into the corner, pulling his knees as close to his chest as possible. He visibly trembled, his face pale while his eyes darted through the room.

"You can go, if you agree to my terms." His expression darkened. "Why would I agree to what my ex-mate wants me to do?" I winced slightly, the words he spoke having more of an affect on me than I'd have liked. "Well, if you don't want to hurt our chi-" Owen growled, cutting me off and placing an arm around his stomach. "My. Child." His voice was low and threatening, and I could tell he had changed since we last met, braver, able to speak up, more motherly.

Of course, it was because of him I was losing my title as Alpha, so shouldn't he give some sort of compensation? "Don't worry, if you agree, I won't do anything." He was quiet, not looking at me directly. "Before I agree, I want to know what it is you want me to do?" I sighed. This was not going to be easy to say. "Well... I... Wantthechild..." I spoke quickly, leaving him confused. "What?" I sighed once more. "I want..." I pointed at his stomach. "The child."

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