Chapter 5: Jacqueline

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He stood there for a second, pondering something and walked off after he said bye. I was so flipping excited, but for Christine and Jake, I needed to play it off.

"Oh mi god, Jackie. You are going to get to show the new guy around!" Christine said.


"I bet he is so hot. Maybe he will sit with us at lunch. Do you think he likes tofu? I freaking hate dieting, but I'll share."

"Sure... I guess. I just didn't really want..." I wasn't sure what to say.

Jake's face turned down. Oh no.

"Seriously? Aren't you happy you get to show him around?"

I tried to reply but he cut me off. It was best to leave the table and let him steam. I got up to leave and throw out my half-eaten parfait, but someone else had other ideas.

"Oh, hell no." Jake said.

"What? I can't throw away my parfait?"

He shook his head, "Look."

He pointed toward Stefan. Maria was approaching him.

"No she isn't."

Stefan started smiling, and Maria was laughing.

"Well, I wouldn't doubt who he will hang out with now." Jake said.

I felt a little hurt, but that is probably because I was hoping he wasn't a hoe. I went to go to take him to class, and save his ass.

"Hey," he said. "Where to first?"

"Do you know who you were talking to?"

He shook his head.

"You into her?"

He shook his head again.

"Good, she has a bad rep that will drag you through the mud."

The bell rang. He looked a little astonished and then shook his head, like he was being fooled.

"Well, were going to be late if we keep standing here." I said.

From there we went to class.

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