Chapter 14: Jacqueline

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I looked at his face. He looked scared, afraid, and guilty. I wanted to know more, yet I could not calm myself down. My mouth was sending too many words out and I could not tell what I was saying. I was just saying what came to mind first.

"I hate you!" I screamed I as finally had no more to say.

He looked diminished.

He looked dead.

"I just..." I stopped him before he could say anymore.

"No. You just don't. Goodbye." I walked away heading back through the woods to my car.

"Wait! Jackie!" He said yelling through the woods.

I started running as fast as I could. Tears brimmed in the corners of my eyes. I knew it was all an illusion. I just didn't want to believe it.

"Wait!" He voice was starting to get closer.

I could see my car through the trees. I started to run even faster, but then I heard a snap and I started to fall. I landed on the ground, about 50 yards from my car. I looked behind me to see what the snap was and I saw blood. I looked down and my leg had bent in a weird shape and there was a hole in my calf. I couldn't feel anything though. I could see what caused it was a large piece of metal, probably from a wreck, was sticking out of the ground hidden by the grass. It must've got my leg and caused my awkward fall.

Alex finally caught up and saw my leg.

"Jackie!" He ran over to me and looked at my leg.

"I got to get you to a hospital." He said picking me up.

"No!" I tried to move, but suddenly I could feel my pain, like him picking me up sobered me. My scream filled the woods. It felt like my leg had been covered in gasoline and set on fire.

He ran over to his car and set me in the passenger seat. I groaned with the the pain and tried to sit as comfortably as possible.

He took off as fast as he could.

"My phone...." I say trying to get it out of my pocket.

"What is it?" He says driving down the road.

"I ..." I grimaced in the pain.

He pressed a button on his steering wheel.

"Text Mr. Kitchi. Hey, this is Stefan. Jackie had a hiking accident and I am driving her over to the hospital."

My brows furrowed as he said Stefan.

"Is it a game to you?" I said, my throat feeling as if I just swallowed cotton balls.

"No. It never was. I was trying to get away from my past..." he said trailing off leaving me wanting more in the passenger seat.

"What happened? I mean, I have heard the stories and all, but I don't think it is true."

His gaze sharpened. He gripped the wheel tight.

"Some of it is true. But, others are lies I wove to protect others."


Just a new/edited version. It will help me think of better scenarios. ;)

Yours Truly 

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