Chapter 1 "Introductions"

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I can't believe I actually have to do this, You thought as you opened the door to the dance studio, taking a deep breath. You were the emergency backup bridesmaid if someone couldn't continue with the wedding or dance lessons. Your friend was getting married and wanted to have a cool choreographed dance. Only problem is that the wedding is in less than four weeks and now you need learn the past few lessons fast. You weren't a terrible dancer, just not the best.

You were greeted at the door by a guy with a bright welcoming smile. "Are you here with the wedding party?" You nodded in response as you looked around the studio, it was a fairly clean modern place with shelves displaying all kinds of awards. Wow, these people are no joke...I wonder how much these lessons cost. Looking amused at your amazement he introduced himself, "I'm Hoseok, I'm the owner of the studio. I run it with a few friends of mine." He began leading you to the practice room where you'll be doing your lesson.

"Your instructor is Jimin, he specializes in modern and contemporary dance but is talented in other areas as well." You began to get nervous, these guys seem good...what if I actually really suck at dancing and I'm going to make a fool of myself!? What if he's mean and serious!?! Hoseok noticing your nerves, continued. "Jimin isn't nearly as hard on his students as I am, so don't worry. He has a lot of patience and is able to find the best ways to teach his pupils." He smiled as he opened the door for you, gesturing for you to go in. "Thank you." You said with a polite smile, waving at him as he headed back to the front.

You walked in and noticed everyone was here, talking and doing stretches, including the dance instructor; who was wearing tight black pants and had a loose black shirt on. He's actually kinda cute..."Hey guys." You said awkwardly, waving slightly. You're more of an introvert, so you knew everyone but didn't at the same time. "Ahhhhh! Y/N thank you for coming!" Liz, the bride to be, said squeezing you with a hug. "Come on, we need to go get you changed." You followed her obediently, "Oh, okay."

"How were you guys able to afford these dance lessons? They seem more on the expensive side." You glanced at her for answers while you finished putting your clothes in your bag. "Well Nate is actually an acquaintance of our dance instructor, Jimin. So he said he'd give us a discount. These guys are really talented." She giggled happily, "I'm glad you were able to fill in, I've been stressed enough as it is lately." You sighed, "No problem, but now I'm paired with Nick right?" You gave an annoyed look. Nick was a fairly unpleasant guy, very full of himself, kind of rude and loud. Not to mention you guys actually kind of had a dating history. He wasn't bad looking though and he worked out, but that's why he was so arrogant. Your personalities just didn't go together, he wasn't your type. "I know, I'm sorry Y/N but Nates family wanted him to be in the party." She continued, "But hey, the dance instructor is single and I think he's more yourr tyyype. Maybe I can set you guys up." She jokingly laughed. "Ha-ha, no thanks, that's how I ended up talking to Nick." You thought for a second, "He is kind of cute though..and I do like dancers." You laughed to yourself.

"Jimin! This is my friend Y/N, she's filling in for Ashley. She learns quickly but probably needs more attention when it comes to flexibility and form." She shot you an evil grin. This girl is really out of her mind. He shook your hand and gave you a cute smile, "Hi Y/N, if you can learn the moves easily then I think you'll do just fine, we still haven't gone over perfecting the forms yet, as for flexibility..well I'll judge that." He giggled and touched his nose slightly with the back of his index finger. Okay, he's really cute, "I'll do my best." You said nervously. Your friend catching you in a daze, laughed to herself. Jimin turned his attention to the others, "Alright, stretch for five more minutes then get with your partners!" He spoke loudly over the talkative group. He shot you a smirk as Liz escorted you to the other side of the room. "Stop drooling over him, it's so obvious." She whisper amusingly. Crap crap crap, I probably look like a weirdo.

Trying to get ahold of yourself you start to stretch. "Hey shorty, I guess we're dance partners." Nick stood over you with a jerk smirk on his face, he liked to pick on your height. "Hey." You responded blankly, "Stop making fun of my height, you're just too tall." He laughed, "I guess everyone is too tall then." I can't believe I have to be paired with him, Liz you owe me big time! "So are you the reason why Ashley quit?" You said snarkily, still stretching. "You should feel blessed that you took her place." He responded with a smug attitude. Seriously, this guy is too much. Does he even hear himself?! "I'm doing this for Liz, and if it weren't for me you'd be out of the party. So you should be thanking me." You said boldly, raising your eyebrow like you'd won. All he could do is laugh, "Whatever you say shorty."

"Okay, everyone get with your partner." Jimin's voice snapped you back to reality. "Since Y/N was not here I'm going to have you all demonstrate what we have learned so far." They agreed and with the que of the music they began to do the basic steps. From your understanding they were going to do a Waltz then suddenly transition into a hip-hop type dance. Seems mighty ambitious to me. "So Y/N, do you think you can follow?" Jimin asked. You nodded nervously in response. "Okay, let's try it again but this time let's have Nick and Y/N join in." He motioned for you to get together. Nick looked at you with a huge grin on his face and all you could do was roll your eyes and take his hand.

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