Chapter 3 "Sore Heart"

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I'M SO SORE and my feet are killing me! 😣-

-Hahaha it'll get better over time, don't be such a baby 😝
-You're not trying to get out of practice today are you 😑

Lol no, I don't want to feel the wrath of bridezilla 😛-

-Better watch yourself, I was going to buy you lunch this weekend for helping me out.

See you in a couple hours love! 😇😚-

-That's what I thought 🙄

You showed up a bit early to get in Liz's favor, "Hi." You greeted Hoseok and another, fairly attractive guy, who were carrying on a conversation. "Hey Y/N." He said shooting you with a friendly smile as did the other guy who had a cute shy bunny smile. You smiled politely and headed to the back to get changed. I don't remember telling him my name...hmm, maybe my name's on some official paper or something. You changed quickly, this time I packed a snack, but I don't even think this will save my tired body. You sighed, gripping your bag as you walked back to the dance room from changing.

"How are you feeling today?" Jimin said with an amused smirk, as if he already knew the answer. "Sore, really sore." You replied wearily, tilting your head back and blinking dramatically. He laughed at your action, "I thought you'd quit if I told you last class how sore you'd be; so I figured I'd wait and see what you'd do if I just gave you encouragement." He giggled playfully, "Glad to see you still stuck around." His laugh and smile is so nice...You couldn't help but smile at him fondly. "So you're saying I look like a quiter?" You asked playfully, raising your brow. He kept up the playful tone, "You sure looked like one Wednesday." He continued, "I have some stretches for you today, they'll help you a lot." He handed you a paper with some stretch diagrams. "Work on these now before we get started, you might want to have Nick help." You scrunched your nose at the sound of that, silently examining the paper. Jimin, seeing your displeased look, quickly followed up. "I could help you if you'd prefer that?" You could feel your heart suddenly pick up speed, some of these stretches are a bit...your face started getting hot, "Ah, no. Uh-I-I could do these on my own..thanks." You started backing up nervously, "Okay well, I'll go work on these." You gestured behind you smiling awkwardly. Amused, Jimin replied, "Okay then, if you need help just ask."

Oh. My. God, what was that? Why are you so awkward!? Things were going fine till you made it weird...At least no one was paying atten- "Wow, real smooth Y/N." Oh no, when did he get here... You tried to act as casual as possible, sitting and keeping your head down; focusing on the stretches you were given. "You get flustered so easily, when's the last time you got any action anyway?" Nick sat close to you highly amused, stretching a bit. You continued to ignore him; He smirked devilishly, "Don't tell me I was the-" You quickly cut him off before he could finish, "I'm not interested in dating right now. And even if I was, I wouldn't give you the details." He bit his lip and smiled widely, "Hmm, well it's a shame, you're too attractive to be single." He leaned back, "You know, I'm always available." I can't deal with this today. You signed loudly, "Can you like, not be a jerk for one day?" You looked at him exasperatedly. "What? How am I being a jerk? I complimented you." He seemed genuinely confused. Guys are so dumb, this is why I don't date! "Forget it..." Is all you could say. Nick studied you silently, "Fine I'll leave you alone...for today." He said in a teasing tone.

"Hey, sorry we're late, some wedding stuff came up." Liz and Nate came through the door with only a couple minutes left before the class started. You walked over to her, "Is everything okay?" She started to put up her hair, "Yeah, nothing that can't be fixed..but uhh I'm going to have to postpone that lunch with you." She looked at you with a guilty smile. "Oh no it's fine, your wedding is more important." You paused and threatened jokingly, "You better not forget though."

It was already brake time, you sat down and took your granola bar out of your bag, I'm surprised Nick actually behaved himself, I'm kinda sad Liz isn't treating me to lunch this weekend...dancing to the waltz was harder today, maybe I should practice the whole routine this weekend. This next part is going to suck. "You seem distracted today." Jimin said bringing you back to reality. You didn't even realize he made his way over to you. "Well, I'm not too keen on the next part of the routine. Expect me to do worse today." You took a small bite from your granola bar, still seeming distant. Jimin bent down and grabbed each of your hands, wiggling them gently. It surprised you, causing you to look up to him confusingly. "You just need to loosen up. I'll go easy on you today since you're sore." He said looking into your eyes. "I don't know how to loosen up, that's the problem. It seems like everyone else understands but me." You pouted a little bit, turning your head.

He sighed in response letting go of your hands, "Don't focus on how everyone else is doing, it'll just make you self-conscious, which is why you're probably not enjoying yourself." After not receiving a response he continued, "Dancing should be fun, a way to let off steam. You shouldn't put too much thought into it, don't be afraid of looking awkward, just try your best to feel the music. As your teacher I'll make sure to help you with everything else." He stood up, offering his hand with a sweet confident smile. You hesitated for a moment, but ended up taking it. "Liz was right about you needing extra attention." He laughed trying to lighten the mood. You pouted again, but this time playfully, "I better be able to dance like a pro when this is over." Jimin chuckled, "Well that depends on how much you let me help you. Continue doing the stretches I gave you even when you dont come to practice." He turned to the group, but looked at you over his shoulder one last time, with a smirk; "Get used to being in close quarters with me." Thump-Thump.

(Jimin X Reader) Dance Floor RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now