Chapter 6 "Yes, No ...Maybe?"

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You were filled with confidence today. All weekend you worked on the routine, watched YouTube videos, stretched and practiced loosening up in the mirror (with the help of a little alcohol). I'm sure I improved a lot. You were also determined to ask Jimin out after the class. I'M NOT BACKING OUT, NOT TODAY. You made your way to the dance room with the CD in hand, Jimin was sitting by the stereo; legs apart with his feet sticking out in opposite directions. Resting his arms on his thighs, staring at his phone, seeming to be in his own world. "Hey Jimin." You approached him with a cute shy smile. He glanced up at you smiling half-heartedly, "Hey Y/N, are you feeling better?" He seems kind of down today... "Uh- yeah I'm feeling a lot better, and I even practiced the routine this weekend. I'm feeling more confident today." You smiled expectantly, handing him the disk. He took it from you with a forced a smile, "I'm glad you're feeling better, I'll make sure to watch closely to see how you improved." There was something strange about him today, taking it as a sign to give him space you started stepping back, "Okay, I'll be sure to impress you today, I'm going to go stretch." You gave him one last smile, and he returned to you a small, sideways smile. Maybe today wouldn't be a good day to ask...but maybe if he's down and he actually likes me..this will make him better???....ughhhh....

You and Nick got along a lot better today compared to usual, but he still teased you just the same. "So are you asking him today?" Nick said sitting on the floor across from you during your break. Liz and Nate approached, with Liz cutting in, "What are you talking about? And why are you guys so close today?" She looked at you both very confused, "You're not-" She pointed her finger swaying to both of you, raising her brow. "What? No!" You quickly said, understanding what she implied. Nick and Nate both laughed. "So what is this?" Liz continued with confusion still across her face. "I'm helping her get her prince charming." Nick said devilishly. "Y/N's going to ask Jimin out today." He continued smiling ear to ear. "Can you not talk so loud, geez." You smacked him playfully. "Why haven't I heard anything about this till now?" Liz said with a hurt tone. "Don't take it offensively, I just decided this weekend...and it didn't seem like a big deal compared to your wedding." You tried to ease her pain, smiling nervously. "I still would've liked to know." She pouted. "Babe, she probably would of told you if Jimin said yes." Nate jumped in trying to help, "at least you know now." She squinted her eyes, pouting some more, "I guess, but from now on you need to tell me everything!" She said demandingly. "Okay okay, I'm sorry." Amused, you giggled a bit.

Wow, I really improved a lot, you thought as you watched yourself in the studio mirror. You couldn't help but smile proudly when Jimin looked at you from the reflection. "You're doing really good today Y/N." Jimin said with distance, keeping a straight face, observing everyone else as well. I thought he would be more enthusiastic with how much I improved. You looked down, feeling a bit discouraged. Nick got your attention in the mirror and gave you a thumbs up; you smiled weakly to him. Maybe I'm not doing good enough, you couldn't help but start comparing yourself to the others again, becoming self-conscious. You could feel yourself being overcome by anxiety.

Jimin catching this, quickly made his way over to you, lightly touching your waist from behind, talking low and calm, "Take deep breaths. You're doing too good to just go back to square one." He looked at your reflection with deep concern, "If you need to take a small break do so." You could feel your chest slowing down as you made eye contact with Jimin. You nodded and quickly went to the back of the class, grabbing your water from your bag. You tried to collect yourself by focusing on breathing, I need to just focus on myself, don't look at anyone, not even Jimin. Don't think about anything other than felt better and took your position again. "You okay?" Jimin asked still showing concern in his voice. You nodded looking at yourself in the mirror, and continued.

You were more serious the rest of practice, and just drowned out everything around you, you didn't even realize the class had ended so quickly. "That's it for today, good job. Two more classes and you'll be done." Jimin said loudly, glancing at you with worry across his face. You didn't notice though as you had your head down turning to go towards your bag. You grabbed it and went to the locker room to change. Today turned out differently than I thought, maybe I should just head home without even saying anything to Jimin. "Hey are you okay?" Liz's voice came through to you. You sighed loudly, "I don't know Liz, why are feelings so, complicated. I thought today would be good but Jimin was so different compared to normal, it made me doubt myself..I don't even know if I should tell him how I feel." You closed your eyes tightly, grabbing your head. Liz assessed the situation, "Can you handle if he says no?"

It's now or never, you waited for everyone to clear out for the most part then headed out the locker room door. You only took a few steps before almost bumping into Jimin. You both were startled, "Sorry." You said at the same time. Jimin paused, "Y/N, can I talk to you?" He titled his head slightly waiting for a response. You looked up at him curiously, signaling him to talk. "I wanted to apologize for earlier." He was silent for a bit, "I've been inattentive towards you today for a personal reason...even though you improved a lot, you still needed my encouragement." He looked down, "I'm sorry for not being a good mentor and almost failing you today. Something personal should never come before teaching." He brushed his hair back, holding it and glancing up at you a bit with a sorrowful look.

You froze up like a deer in headlights, gripping your bag tightly, What should I say? I didn't expect this from him..your eyes darted around as you tried to think of something to say. "No, it's okay Jimin. I could tell something was bothering you today, I shouldn't have taken it so personally." You looked at him with a forgiving smile, "I hope it's nothing too serious." Jimin picked his head up, quickly looking into your eyes like he was going to say something...but hesitated. "Let me walk you out." He said smiling at you, gesturing you to walk next to him. You followed, both of you staying silent. Wait, wait, wait...I have to ask him. I HAVE TO. But when? You reached the front. Jimin waved at you as you walked to the door and he broke off to the side where the counter was, "Goodnight Y/N, I'll see you Wednesday." He smiled sweetly. Your heart starting beating like crazy, this is the only chance I have! It's perfect, you're right next to the exit so if he does say no you can leave quickly! Okay, just tell him. TELL HIM. You put one hand on the door, shaking. "Jimin." You froze for a second still facing the door, causing Jimin to approach you. No, no, no, don't get closer! You bit your bottom lip and could feel your face turning a little red; you turned to him bravely, "I like you."

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