Chapter 2 "Practice Makes Perfect"

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You tried your best to follow everyone's movements for the waltz but it was kind of hard when Nick kept drifting his hand to your lower back. It seemed like he wanted some type of reaction as he kept trying to go lower and lower, all while keeping a cheeky smile on his face. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Jimin seemed to catch onto your annoyance with Nick's actions and quickly asked him to fix his position. "Sorry teach, she's just too irresistible." He said loudly with a devilish tone. All you could manage to do was roll your eyes and looked towards Liz who could only mouth, "sorry."

After just a few more minutes Nick seemed to forget what Jimin had told him and tried again to move his hand down your back. This time Jimin, without warning, stepped in. "Allow me to show you how to hold your partner." Nick shocked, moved over without saying a word. You were just as shocked and could feel your face turning red as he firmly but gently took your hand in his and put his other on your back, getting you into position. You finished the rest of the first routine with Jimin giving Nick, and the rest of the party, pointers. He's a really good dancer, before I just thought he was cute but when he dances there's a different aura around him. He definitely has sex appeal. "You did great Y/N." Jimin said as you finished the routine, giving you an encouraging smile.

You could feel your face turning red again, "Haha- uhhh th-thanks, but I'm sure it's because you were leading." You looked down quickly to hide your face, panting slightly. "This would be a good time to take a break. Then we'll work on the hip-hop part of the dance next." Jimin said, turning his attention to the others. Everyone agreed and quickly sat down taking big gulps from their water bottles. You went and sat next to Liz and her soon to be husband, Nate. On the other hand Nick went and sat across the room, isolated.

"Do you think his pride is hurt?" You said jokingly to Nate, taking a big drink from your bottle. "Ehh, he'll be back to his normal self by the time the lesson is over." He replied with amusement in his voice. Nate and Nick were cousins, when you met Nate you thought he was such a good catch. Then Liz informed you he had a good looking cousin as well, that's how you started talking; but he ended up being the polar opposite of Nate, it was hard to believe they were related. "I think we were all shocked with the way Jimin took over." Liz joined in, "Especially you, Y/N. I thought you were going to faint." She teased, laughing as she watched your reaction. You playfully shot her a death glare, "I was just caught off guard." Right, it was just a moment..and this is a professional setting. He's just doing his job. "Yeah, me too. Knowing him from school he always came off as a shy lovable type of guy, I guess he really takes dance seriously." Nate added.

"Breaks over, let's continue." Jimin said with authority. I'm a bit more nervous about this next part. Though, it's going to be more of a boys VS. girls type dance, and I don't have to worry about Nick being touchy; I'm really stiff and not flexible at all! Jimin went over the steps quickly for both groups, trying to study his movements you couldn't help but stare at his butt with the tight pants he was wearing. Jimin looked at you for a second in the reflection of the mirror, he raised his eyebrow and smiled slightly; you quickly looked away. Crap, I think he saw me, your eyes locked with Nick's, who seemed to see the whole thing. He mockingly smacked his ass, nodding and laughing to himself. Great, now he's going to be teasing me for the rest of these lessons.

We went over the moves a few times and you understood the steps but getting your body to move...that way was kind of difficult. "Y/N, you're too stiff and you aren't following through with the moves." Jimin said as he walked around the room watching everyone. You seemed like the only one who wasn't able to loosen up. Ughhh, the lesson is almost over, hurry up! I'm hungry! Jimin noticing your frustration, continued, "Don't think too much and just feel the music, you're doing good for your first day." You tried your best for the rest of the lesson but honestly just wanted to leave, you were so tired and hungry. Could I really do this? There were seven more classes. If I quit now it wouldn't be so bad...but I'd let Liz down.

"Alright, that's it for today everyone. You guys did good!" Jimin clapped looking over his tired students, cutely biting his bottom lip. "Stretch for a bit then head out, I'll see you next class." Jimin motioned for you to come over to him all while combing his hair with his hand to get some locks out of his face. I swear he's using his charms too freely, you quickly complied to his gesture. "I know you're tired and probably a bit discouraged but trust me, you did really well." He gently grabbed your arm, looking into your eyes, causing you to look away. He crossed his arms, "You learned quickly considering you're four classes behind everyone else, we just need to work on loosening your body a bit." He continued, "Practice makes perfect, and you have seven more classes. I'm sure by then you'll have this routine down." He tilted his head to look at your face, giving you a sweet supportive smile. He's too cute and Hoseok was right about his teaching habits. "...Okay, thanks Jimin." He gave you a satisfied grin, "Alright then, I'll see you on Friday."

"So you have a thing for the instructor, huh." Nick said playfully, looking down at you with a smirk. You were both heading out the door. "You know, I can dance too. That's why I'm here." He said proudly. "Ugh, I don't have a thing for him..and what does dancing have to do with it?" You shot him a perplexed look, stopping for a moment. He laughed, "The moment he took you from me I could see it all over your face. Not to mention you were in a daze as he showed the second half of the routine." He smacked his butt as a reminder, again, laughing. You started walking again, quickly covering your face trying not to laugh, but failed. "Okay that's enough, I don't have a thing for him and even if I did, it would be for his sweet nature, not the dancing." Though his dancing is very attractive and would be on the list of reasons why I would like him. "Are you saying I'm not sweet?" Nick touched his chest pretending to be hurt. You gave him a sideways glance, "Goodnight Nick." You started to walk towards your car. "Goodnight shorty!" He called out, heading in the other direction.

(Jimin X Reader) Dance Floor RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now