Chapter 13 "Reception"

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The dinner was quite enjoyable, but the closer it got to your performance the more nervous you got. After the cutting of the cake it came to the time and Jimin reassured that you would be fine. You listened and tried your best to calm down, heading to the dance floor as the DJ called you all to do the first dance. You were all off to the side as Nate and Liz did the first minute and a half alone then at the que of their twirls across the dance floor the rest of you joined in. The crowd was oohing and ahhing at your well put together routine. You drowned out everything and just followed Nick's lead for the next two minutes until you suddenly broke apart and your second routine started. The crowd gasped at the sudden transition and you finished the dance by throwing the married couple together ending with the lights turning off. Everyone clapped as you all left the dance floor, but was followed by confusion as the lights still remained off.

You sat down at the table breathing heavy, wondering if this was Jimin's performance as you could see shadows enter the dance floor. Suddenly a pink spotlight showed them: it was Jimin, Jungkook and two others with Hoseok at the center. The room was silently anticipating what would happen next. A beat dropped and Hoseok did a hard style hip-hop dance followed by the others, they were all very on point but had unique styles; another beat dropped and the lights turned off again. They were working up the crowd and it was effective as people were already yelling in awe and excitement. The lights turned back on and they did another choreographed dance that ended with Jimin taking the center, where Jimin and the others threw their blazers towards the crowd which got a lot of women hollering and screaming. It was quite humorous but you wanted to scream along with them as well since the next part was more sexy and Jimin really seemed to own the choreography. He definitely knew how to work his body; they ended the routine with a sharp stop and the crowd went wild.

"BTS everybody, make some noise!" The crowd didn't even need the encouragement as they were already jumping around excitedly. "The dance floor is now open." He began to play old school hits and people went to the dance floor without hesitation, including most of the wedding party.

After Jimin grabbed his blazer he went back to you, "So? Are you glad you waited?" He said smiling widely breathing a little bit hard. You were mesmerized with his whole aura, finding his somewhat sweaty face really attractive. It was hard for you to talk, "You're a really good dancer." You said dazed as you stared at him longingly. He laughed at your obvious body language, "I can still teach you if you want." He combed his hair with his hand, "Not in the studio of course. We'd have to do it on our own time." He sat next to you, waiting for some type of response. You grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes, "Well, you could teach me some things tonight?" He was caught off guard, "Are we talking about the same thing?" He timidly continued, "Your tone sounded kind of suggestive..." He half joked snickering nervously. You laughed at his cute facial expression, "No, no-" You waved your hand in denial, "I agree with what you told me last night." You looked away, "I don't want to go too fast." Crap, now it just sounds like that's what I was thinking...your cheeks flushed realizing you probably made it weird. Jimin smiled, "I'm going to go wash off and get a drink, I'll be back."

Seriously, he probably thinks you're so sat in thought for a bit till Nick made his way to you, "Hey, you did good out there." You covered your nose and scrunched your face, "How much did you drink? God it's so strong." He laughed but ignored the question, "So many girls are fawning over your man, if I wasn't here you'd have some serious competition." He said amused raising his brow. He's drunk already..."Yeah, they might find you likeable now but it's probably the alcohol impairing their judgment." You laughed trying to brush off his comment. He shook his head laughing, "You're so mean to me, even after all I've done for you." He acted hurt. "Shut up." You rolled your eyes and shook your head. Nick smiled, "I like when you act feisty though. Hopefully Jimin can handle it." He walked away laughing before you could say anything. What is that idiot talking about? You watched him head to a group of girls standing together across the room.

A guy with an adorable rectangular smile walked up to you, "Hey, do you want to dance with me?" Oh, he was one of the ones that performed, are they all good looking guys? His sudden question left you a little stunned, "Uhh- I'm not that good of a dancer, I don't even know how to move to this." You motioned up to the music nervously, causing him to giggle between his teeth, "It's okay, I can help you." He held out his hand. He seems determined, should I just do it? I kinda wanted to dance with Jimin fir-... "Taehyung! What are you up to?" Jimin's voice rung loudly in your ear causing you to jump a bit. Taehyung laughed guiltily turning to the direction where Jimin was, "I was just asking her for a dance, you were taking too long and she seemed like she needed company." He tried to cover himself, giving Jimin an innocent smile. Jimin moved next to you, placing two drinks on the table; keeping his attention on Taehyung, "She's my girlfriend, so I should have the first dance." He glanced at Taehyung with a cute, threatening facial expression.

You quietly observed them both, taking one of the drinks Jimin brought, assuming it was yours; not sure how to read the atmosphere. Taehyung quickly succumbed to Jimin, grabbing onto his arm laughing, "You're right." He smiled widely, "So I can have the second dance, right?" He glanced playfully at you, trying to get a reaction out of Jimin. Jimin laughed sarcastically, "Ah, you and Jungkook really like to mess with me." He tilted his head, "You better stop now though before I really become annoyed." He crossed his arms staring down Taehyung. You were a bit amused but tried to hide it by drinking the cocktail in your hand and looking elsewhere. Taehyung giggling, cowered towards Jimin; wrapping his arm around his head and using his other to grab his hand, "I'm sorry. You know I'm just playing." He said cutely with wide eyes causing Jimin to laugh. "Just go. Entertain the guests like we're supposed to be doing." Jimin said with a forgiving tone. Taehyung smiled again looking at you, "It was nice to meet you Y/N. Maybe we can talk some more later-?" Taehyung laughed as Jimin raised his hand to him, making him flee to find someone to dance with.

(Jimin X Reader) Dance Floor RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now