Chapter 14 "First Dance"

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"Excuse my friend. He's too much sometimes." Jimin sighed, sitting next to you and drinking his mix drink. You laughed at his tired expression, "Your friends seem like a lot of fun, I'm looking forward to getting to know them." Jimin glanced at you suspiciously, "Did you want to dance with him?" You threw your head back laughing at his obvious jealousy, hugging him from the side, "I was wating for you to come back, aren't you going to teach me how to dance?" You looked up to him cutely and he looked down still slightly jealous but with a smile breaking through, "Are you ready for me to teach you? I could barely touch you before without you locking up." Jimin laughed, "Now that I'm your boyfriend I can touch you more freely. Can you handle that?" He smiled devilishly at you. "I was only so tense because you were my teacher and I was attracted to you." You laughed, shaking your head, "It was different because I thought it was one sided." You looked back at him, smiling shyly.

Jimin flirtatiously studied your face, "Hm, is that so?" He bit his lip, "Shall we see on the dance floor?" He grabbed your hand and stood up, pulling you gently in the direction of the crowd dancing. You placed your drink down, "Now? I don't know." You started to get nervous, "I-I think I need more to drink first, and this stuff is more old school." Jimin gave you an encouraging smile, "Y/N, you do good when you follow someone's lead. Just follow me." You nodded your head and obediently followed him, the song that began to play was 'I want to dance with somebody' which got a few extra people on the dance floor. How do you even dance to this...Jimin smiled widely as he spun you around to get you in front of him, moving his free hand down your side to firmly place it on your lower back, pulling you just a little closer. You felt a little flustered. "Jimin, you're scaring me." You half joked laughing nervously. "Don't worry, I'll start slow. Just follow my lead." Jimin looked down at you with a small smirk forming as he began to move slowly.

He counted his steps so you could follow and you caught on quickly making you more relaxed. "See, now just move your body a little more." He moved his hands to your hips, guiding them with the music and you understood. I thought I'd be more tense. Is it the alcohol? Or maybe just the surroundings. You fully loosened up and began moving your own way with confidence, keeping up with Jimin. He saw it as an opportunity to do some harder moves, spinning you so he could get behind you where you danced for a bit before he gripped you tightly to pick you up. He spun you around in his arms and placed you down just to spin you around again so you'd face him. You couldn't help but laugh in surprise at his sudden actions covering your mouth a bit as you made eye contact. He gazed at you completely captivated from your pleasure, smiling, he pulled you even closer; smoothly fixing your body to a leaning position. He moved one hand firmly to support your back and the other down your side till he grabbed your thigh and dipped you. You laughed again, shocked, "Jimin!" He bit his lip as he looked down at you with a mischievous smile.

He lifted you back up sharply which caused your hair to get in your face. You bothed laughed, with you slightly panting and Jimin moving his free hand up to your face. A slow song started, allowing you both to focus more on eachother; he began fixing your hair for you as he sweetly studied your face, moving his hand over your cheek to put a lock of hair behind your ear. He looked into both your eyes longingly as you swayed, then examined your lips pulling you in intimately. You felt your heart pick up speed as you looked back at him expectantly, he brushed your bottom lip with his thumb then cupped your cheek. You closed your eyes lightly at his action and were met with his lips embracing yours; it was a warm, sweet kiss that caused you to get butterflies. He pulled away slowly, but you wanted more so you pouted a little without realizing it which made Jimin laugh, "I thought you wanted to go slow?" He looked at you with a teasing expression which made you blush. You turned your head to hide your disappointment as you continued to dance slowly.

"I may have gone overboard." He laughed as he looked around. You looked at him confused so he continued, "A lot of people were watching us dance, you didn't notice?" You shook your head in response, oh my gosh, that's kind of embarrassing. Jimin smiled down at you, "I guess you were right. Teaching you will be a lot easier with me as your boyfriend." You looked away shyly, "Don't think it's an invitation to get too touchy, that thigh grab was a bit too much Jimin." You squinted at him with a sideways smile. He smiled cutely, "That was nothing and we still have all night to dance. I thought you said you could handle it?" He raised his brow smirking playfully. You stammered, "I-I can. I just- wasn't expecting it, that's all." You looked down, "Just don't tease me all night." He kept his gaze on you, still smiling, "I could say the same about you." He paused and you looked back at him, "Pouting so I'd be tempted to kiss you again." He shook his head amused.

"That's not what I intended!" You blurted out with embarrassment. Suddenly Jimin held your chin up and seamlessly kissed you again, his kiss became more powerful and deep; you were more than welcoming and just as you could feel yourself becoming overwhelmed he pulled away slowly, "We should probably continue later, when we're not surrounded by a bunch of people." He laughed shyly, looking down then back at you. You nodded your head weakly, "Yeah, you're probably right." You had to take a deep breath to come back to your senses. The song changed, this is a good chance to go cool off, "Jimin, I'm going to the restroom." He nodded, "Okay, I'll be by the DJ." I need to control myself better, Jimin's always stopping me. You groaned, I wonder what he thinks of me...

(Jimin X Reader) Dance Floor RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now