Chapter 8 "Naturally"

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You were hit with mixed emotions, not sure how to process this information. "I wanted to tell you how I felt but after that incident Hoseok made sure to keep an eye on me." He laughed guiltily, smirking a bit. "Actually, I wanted to ask you out for a while now, but I figured I'd wait till you were no longer my student so I wouldn't have to worry about getting in trouble." He took a drink of his coffee, "I didn't expect you to jump the gun though. It caught me off guard." He said amused glancing at you. You started to loosen up, and began eating your sandwich and drinking your coffee. "I actually wasn't going to do it since you seemed upset that day, but after we talked I felt courageous again." You said light-heartedly, smiling at him.

He put his elbow on the table and began leaning on his hand, "I was actually jealous of Nick that day, well the whole weekend." He said hesitantly. Taking a bite from your sandwich you turned your head bewildered. He smiled with embarrassment, "After he told me he was going to help you practice that weekend when you were sick, it bothered me a bit. But when you came back Monday, with so much improvement; I guess my pride was hurt." What is he talking about? You looked at him even more confused, "Nick didn't help me practice? He just brought me the disk." It struck you, that little shit head. That's why he showed up being so pushy about you and Jimin getting together. He tried making Jimin jealous...should I thank him or slap him when I see him next time? Jimin looked back at you confused. You sighed, "Nick just tried to make you jealous, he actually came to my house that night and is the one that encourage me to ask you out." You took a drink from your coffee shaking your head, "I guess he wanted to confirm how you felt about me before pushing me to ask you out." Jimin smiled, relieved.

"What is your relationship with Nick, by the way?" Jimin asked nonchalantly finishing his coffee, but with curiosity in his voice. Should I tell him the truth...he seems like he gets jealous easily. "We, kinda, dated for a short while a long time ago." Jimin seemed unfazed, so you continued, "We were never offical, and I broke off contact shortly after realizing we just weren't compatible." He sat silently waiting for you to finish. "I rarely talked to him after that but we would still see each other in social settings. I kinda had an unpleasant image of him until recently." Jimin leaned forward, looking content with your answer.

"I was worried that this date would be too awkward, I'm glad it seems so natural, don't you think?" You smiled and shyly nodded in response. He continued, looking out the window seeming to go into deep thought, "It was so hard for me to stay professional when you asked me out. You looked too cute, I just wanted to hug you." He looked at you crossing his arms, teasing you; you blushed at his words. "Those last two classes were hard for me too: at first you couldn't look at me. Then you couldn't keep your eyes off me." He bit his lip, smirking playfully, then giggling cutely. You covered your face laughing from embarrassment, "I didn't think I'd see you again, so I wanted to be able to appreciate your looks one last time." You covered your mouth, trying to hide your wide smile.

"Didn't Liz tell you?" Jimin smiled questioning you. You titled your head, "Umm no? Tell me what?" You gave him an intrigued look. "I'm going to the wedding too, and I'm performing with some others from my dance studio." Wait what...why didn't Liz tell me this!? You blinked blankly at him, causing him to laugh. "I actually got you out here so I could ask you," Jimin looked down, "Do you want to be my date to the wedding?" He looked up at you with a sweet smile. You gleefully answered, "Of course." Holding back your huge smile. He seemed very pleased with your response as he examined your face.

You were looking at the baked goods, thinking intently about which one you should get, as Jimin had already decided. "Okay, I'll have the lemon poppy seed muffin." You said to the lady behind the counter, smiling brightly. Jimin just watched you with an enchanted smile. You started reaching for your wallet when Jimin gently tugged your hand, "I got this Y/N." He already had his card out. You moved back blushing slightly as Jimin still held your hand. "Thank you." You both said as Jimin led you to the cafe's exit. "What an adorable couple." You heard the lady say to another worker causing you to blush more. Jimin looked back at you and smiled as if he too, agreed with her.

He let go of your hand when you got outside, "Where did you park? I'll walk you to your car." You pointed in the direction and he walked beside you keeping at your slow pace. You dropped your hand next to his and sheepishly grabbed his pinky. He looked down at you with a grin, "You're one bold girl, Y/N. You asked me out first and now you're making the first move?" He said in a joking tone, as he intertwined his hand with yours. Your heart fluttered in response to his smooth transition, his words worried you for a moment, "Is that bad?" You looked up at him concerned. He glanced at you with a sideways smile, "No. But leave some things for me to do." He laughed.

You exchanged numbers and said your goodbyes. You had a smile on your face the entire drive home. I can't believe that happened, you could feel yourself getting all giddy. Jimin actually likes me back, and he asked me to be his date! Liz is lucky this turned out alright because I was going to be so pissed at her. Still, THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER! You got home and threw yourself on your bed, rolling around happily hugging your pillow. What a rollercoaster ride this week has been. I wonder how the wedding will go next week...wait, does that mean me and Jimin will be staying in the same hotel? Your mind began to wander, but you quickly ironed it out. I need to take this slow, no rushing into anything. You layed down staring at your phone.

Why didn't you tell me he was performing at your wedding?-
Is he staying at the hotel too?-

-It slipped my mind, I'm very busy you know.
-And so what if he is? It's a drive to the venue, everyone got a hotel room for the most part.

You're lucky this day turned out alright cause I was going to be super mad at you 😐-

-Lol it would've turned out good no matter what, you should thank me 🙄

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