Chapter 9 "New Atmosphere"

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I cant believe the wedding is in two days, time sure flew by...You were getting your things together for the weekend trip. You had tomorrow off since you had to drive out to the venue to do rehersals before their wedding on Saturday. The place was almost two hours away in the backcountry and they apparently got a nice place; A nice modern lodge resort with an indoor venue and on the same premises was a chapel as well. I'm feeling pretty excited about this weekend, it's almost like a vacation, you carefully placed your dress over your bedroom door. Liz and Nate are having a pastel pink and gray wedding scheme. The boys are wearing gray and the girls are wearing pink. The dress was a very cute knee length, illusion A-line dress with a sweetheart neck and a simple design on the chest that puffed out slightly starting from your waist. It was paired with tan rounded heels with a thicker stem. You made sure to pack some flats to change into as you didn't enjoy wearing heels too much. Your phone buzzed and you already knew who it was.

-Are you ready for tomorrow? When are you heading out?

You and Jimin have been texting regularly but you haven't seen him since Sunday.

I just finished packing up, since check in is at 12pm I'll probably leave around 10ish?-
Will I get to see your routine tomorrow? 🙂-

-Hehe no one is going to see the routine till the actual day, you'll have to wait like everyone else 😄

Jimin had a cute personality, really caring and sweet; he was a lot more shy than you had imagined but would drop flirty texts every once in a while which always caught you off guard.

Fine 😟-

-Don't pout or I'll bite your lip 🙄
-I'll see you tomorrow, I need to finish putting my stuff together.

Ok see you then ☺-

You arrived at the resort completely filled with awe, it was surprisingly really big, but it didn't overwhelm the scenery surrounding it, it fit nicely with the environment. Feeling a bit overwhelmed you texted Liz as you sat in front of the entrance.

Are you guys here already?-

-We'll be there in 30 or so minutes, just check in and get your stuff set up in your room. We have to meet with the coordinator anyway and go over some things. So just relax for a bit 😊

You walked into your room dropping your bags on the floor, then quickly looked around; highly impressed. This is really nice considering that you went for the cheapest option. You were in the main building as you just got a room, but you could rent out condos and even smaller lodges in other parts of the resort, which is what Liz and Nate did since they were honeymooning here. It had updated appliances but with a semi-rustic-modern design, a king size bed, a small seating area, mini Fridge and of course a TV. You lucked out with the view too; being on one of the top floors you could see out to a huge fire pit area, decorated with nice outdoor furniture and an open bar, leading to a landscaped garden, then finally just a hilly forest. After setting up the room you tried to think of something to do, since Liz said it may take a while before starting rehersals as everyone wasn't there yet. Since I have time I'll go look around, you thought merrily.

You walked around familiarizing yourself with the layout of the place, greeting the friendly staff you crossed on your way, finally making it to the outdoor area you were looking at. You sat in a free chair just silently appreciating the view and the nice weather. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Jimin's voice said, startling you. You turned quickly with your heart racing, "Jimin?! When did you get here?" You furrowed your brow, scolding him, "You shouldn't come up behind people like that! You scared me!" You raised your hand towards him playfully. He happily played along by flinching and clenching his teeth with a cute smile coming through. "I'm sorry, I can leave?" He asked rhetorically, laughing a bit and moving next to you. You rolled your eyes, smiling up at him, "When did you get here?" He looked forward at the scenery peacefully, "Probably thirty minutes ago. I saw this view out the window but wanted a better look, so I came down here before needing to go to the wedding hall." He turned to you smiling.

You saw an opportunity to tease him and took it. "So you were watching me? That's kinda creepy." You laughed lively. Jimin quickly protested, giggling shyly, "No, No. I couldn't even see you from my room." He pointed to the opposite side of where you were staying, "This whole area kind of wraps around." Is he actually getting flustered, you laughed, "Jimin I was kidding. You don't need to explain yourself." You teased highly amused. Seeing his slight embarrassment you tried changing the subject, "So why are you going to the wedding hall?"

He seemed to relaxed again, "I need to get a feel for the dance floor, and we'll probably go over the routine a bit too." You pouted your lip slightly, almost whispering, "I wish I could see it." You both paused. "Hey, what did I tell you about that?" He said with a playful, threatening tone moving in close and hovering over you. You smiled nervously at him cowering slightly, eyes widening. He bent down, getting directly in your face with a devilish smile, "Do you want me to bite you?" He said flirtatiously. Your face flushed so you turned your head quickly and you put your arms out in defense, slightly pushing his shoulders. Jimin was now the one amused as he watched you struggle with your close proximity.

Bzzzzzzt, Press Your Number; your ringtone started playing. You quickly answered, heart beating at a fast pace, "Hey Liz, are you ready to start the rehersal?", "Okay, I'll meet you there.", "I'm sure I can find the chapel." You hung up sighing with relief, what good timing, "I need to go get ready, see you later?" Jimin never taking his gaze off you, smiled mischievously, "So, you want to continue where we left off?" He raised his brow, biting his lip sexually then glanced at your own. Your heart skipped a beat, he's really being too tempting with his current tone... You couldn't take it anymore and pushed him away, "Jimin." You said softly with a pause, "Stop messing with me. You're going too far..." You tried to compose yourself looking up at him with pleading eyes.

His facial expression quickly changed to one of guilt, backing off almost instantly, "I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I don't think he realized how serious his body language was, maybe his cute, shy personality is actually his stood up, sighing, "Now I think I know why you didn't want to ask me out till after you were done teaching me." You crossed your arms, closed your eyes and nodded like you understood him insightfully; trying to bring back the playful atmosphere. "You're too flirty, you would've definitely been in big trouble with Hoseok." You opened an eye smiling slightly towards Jimin. He giggled loudly covering his mouth, "You figured me out." He surrendered with child-like charm. You started walking to the entrance, waving at him, "Bye Jimin." He waved, watching intently as you left, then seemed to get lost in thought.

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