Alternate Ending: "Control"

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After using the restroom you headed to the bar to get water, the songs have gotten more clubby..and loud, as well as the crowd. You walked over to Jimin, who was conversing with the people behind the DJ booth, "Hey, I brought you some water." You said loudly. He turned his attention to you, taking the water, and moving close to you so you could hear, "Thank you Y/N." He lead you back to your table, "Are you ready to get back out there with me?" He giggled looking at your face. You laughed, "Are you going to teach me how to booty dance?" You smiled widely, amused at yourself. He licked his lips cutely, "If you want me to. Don't get mad if I'm better than you though." He started rolling his hips playfully which made you burst out into laughter. "I need a few more drinks before I go out and embarrass myself." You shook your head still smiling from his action.

Jimin looked at you with curiosity, "Do you drink often?" You were caught off guard and honestly embarrassed. "Oh, no!" You quickly tried to explain yourself, "I only drink in social settings." You looked down nervously, "I'm sure you noticed, but I'm really awkward and also don't like crowds. So drinking really helps me loosen up." You looked back at him, "So don't think I'm some alcoholic or something." You laughed awkwardly. Jimin was holding back a smile the entire time you spoke; when you finished he grabbed your hand, "We can leave if you want?" I wouldn't mind leaving..."I don't want to make you leave the party for me. Besides-" You smirked at him, "I was looking forward to watching you dance up close and personal." He laughed, "Well let's go get some shots and head to the dance floor."

"Don't judge me, okay?" You laughed as you walked to the dance floor, leaning closer to the drunk side of the scale. Jimin also seemed to be tipsy as well. He grabbed your hips from behind, "Just don't get stiff." It was now crowded with people, which made you feel less self conscious. The song that started was a line dance song, Yes! Something I can do confidently, you had fun doing the dance which made you more relaxed. It was followed by an unfamiliar dance song and Jimin got behind you without hesitation, firmly grabbing your hips to pull you close. He moved his hips with the beat and you followed, trying to feel the music.

After it finished 'Buttons' started which happened to be your guilty pleasure song back in the day. You turned to face Jimin this time, mouthing the words and moving with enthusiasm; the alcohol was definitely getting to you. He smiled widely with amusement, then bit his lip sensually as he watched you really get into it. He started moving his hands over your body freely, sliding over your butt till he had a grip on your thigh. You moved in sync for a couple songs getting very touchy till Jimin whispered in your ear, with desire in his tone, "Let's go." He lead you off the dance floor towards the exit; his dominance compelled you so you quietly followed.

You quickly ended up at what presumably was his room and with a swift motion he opened the door with one hand and with the other around your wrist, he pulled you in. The door slammed behind you as he pushed you against the wall of his room, flicking on the light. Heart now racing, you gasped in surprise followed by shaky breathing. Exchanging lustful looks for only a moment; Jimin grabbed your waist and took your lips onto his, pressing himself against you firmly. You put your arms around him and ran your hand through his hair, clasping onto some locks. Your kisses became rhythmic and more fervorous with Jimin introducing his tongue, the feeling sent waves of pleasure through you. You had lost control of yourself and could only think of one thing: you wanted him. You kicked off your shoes and began unbuttoning his shirt just enough for it to be pulled over his head, leading him closer to the bed.

He pulled away and seemed amused by the way you took charge, almost laughing as he bit his lip looking down at you. Taking off his shoes and throwing his shirt on the ground, now standing at the edge of the bed; he kissed you again, moving his hand up your back to your zipper. He tugged on your dress which made you pull away, laughing awkwardly, "Wait, there's a button on the top." You swept your hair to the side. He unbuttoned it and slowly pulled your dress down, leaning down to leave a trail of kisses along your neck and down your shoulder. Letting out a small moan, you closed your eyes and shivered at the soft touches of his lips and the cool air now around your body, with only your lace underwear keeping you from being completely vulnerable. Jimin grabbed your thigh and leaned you back so you could lay down on the bed, now moving his kisses in the opposite direction leading to your lips. His warmth was comforting so you pulled him closer, but realized something changed.

He was kissing you more gently and reserved, is this good or bad? He pulled away and looked you in the eyes, lust seeming to dissipate along with his heavy breathing. You looked back at him nervously, unsure of how to read his body language. He picked himself up and examined your naked body, running his warm fingertips lightly down your curves till he rested his hands on your thighs; all of which made you tremble and moan breathlessly. He looked back at your face and smiled, speaking affectionately, "You're so beautiful." Your face flushed at his sudden words and deep eye contact. He looked down, "I want you so bad..." He paused then looked back at you, removing his hands from you and standing up; sighing, "But we need to stop." You shot him a perplexed look, propping yourself up on your elbows, "What? Why?" You sat up completely and scooched to the edge of the bed, "I'm on birth control...if that's what you're worried about?"

He shook his head laughing, picking up his shirt and tossing it at you, "I thought we both agreed to go slow?" You covered your chest and turned your head in disappointment; finally putting on his shirt, he's right, but still... He continued, "Besides, you've been drinking. I don't want to seem like I'm taking advantage of you." You were sexually frustrated and slightly annoyed; you couldn't help but cop an attitude, "So why did you bring me here then?" Your tone caught Jimin off guard and also made you feel embarrassed. He couldn't help but giggle nervously, "Hey, don't be like that Y/N." You turned your head as he moved closer to you, "I was caught up in the moment...then I realized this isn't how I want our relationship to start." He leaned over you and kissed your forehead, "I care about you." There was a silence, but it was broken by Jimin's phone ringing, he moved away and looked down slightly confused. He answered, then returned his gaze to you as you still looked away.

"Hey, are you with Y/N?"
"Yeah. Why do you have her phone?" You looked towards Jimin curiously, crap I left my purse down there. "Who is it?" You stood up and moved closer to him.
"Let me talk to her."
He handed the phone to you hesitantly and you raised your brow, "Hello?"
"You guys worked fast...So was he better than me or what?" Nick laughed loudly.
You blushed and quickly turned the phone away from Jimin, God I hope he didn't hear that, "What is wrong with you!?! You're so obnoxious when you're drunk." He chuckled over the phone and you continued, "Why do you have my phone? You better not be going through my stuff."
"I haven't. Yet." He laughed, "You left in such a hurry you forgot your stuff, so I'm keeping it safe. Come get it."
You now looked to Jimin who was standing with his arms crossed and still shirtless, "I forgot my stuff down there. He wants me to go get it." Jimin seemed displeased and spoke with authority, "Tell him to bring it up here. We're still not done." You blushed, what is he implying?...
Nick seemed to hear Jimin as he laughed awkwardly, "I can take it to you. What room are you in?"
You told him the room number and he said he'd bring it up soon.
"Thanks Nick." You hung up and handed the phone back to Jimin.

"What do you mean we're not done?" You raised your brow and crossed your arms. He tossed his phone on the bed, "I just didn't want you to go." He grabbed your arms and moved close to you, almost whispering, "Stay with me." His voice came off sweet yet desperate and you couldn't help but comply as well as give him a peck on the lips, "Okay." You turned around and walked to the bathroom, "I'm going to take a shower. You can get the door when Nick gets here right?" You faced him with a sweet smile. He seemed surprised, "Wait, what are you going to wear?" You smirked widely, "Oh. I sleep naked." You teased innocently, "Is that a problem?" He seemed to struggle with your words. Finally shaking his head and closing his eyes; he bit his lip, "You're going to be trouble." He combed his hair with his hand and looked at you with a tired smile, "You're lucky I have so much control."

(Jimin X Reader) Dance Floor RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now