Chapter 12 "Ceremony"

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After finishing your meal you both went back to your respective rooms to get ready. You told Jimin that he didn't have to go with you to the ceremony yet, as you needed to be there early to get prepared, but Jimin insisted and said he wouldn't mind waiting around. You wet your hair slightly and rubbed your curling butter in then put it in loose coils as you got ready. You're not one to wear a lot of makeup but decided to do a little natural smokey eye on top of your usual routine. You were putting lotion on when you heard a knock, Jimin's here already? What time is it? "Uhhh- hold on Jimin. I'm almost done." You quickly rubbed your hands trying to absorb the rest of the lotion. You took one last look in the mirror, straightening out your dress and fixing your hair, finally grabbing your handbag and opening the door.

You both eyed each other with awe. He looks so good in a suit, he was wearing a fitted gray blazer, a nice button up black shirt with black pants and very nice black dress shoes. "Wow Y/N, you look- beautiful." He gazed at you completely captivated. You smiled meekly, "Thank you Jimin, you look good too." He finally came out of his daze, smiling, "Alright, let's go." He held your hand, bringing it up to his face to kiss it gently which made you shy.

Jimin carefully led you up the steps to where the ceremony was going to be and when you got there it was already getting filled. Nick saw you and approached, "Hey, you're looking good." He smirked raising his brow, then noticed Jimin holding your hand, "sorry, I need to borrow her for the rest of the ceremony." Jimin seemed a little annoyed with the look Nick gave you. You quickly questioned Nick, "Why? Shouldn't I go where Liz is first?" He turned his attention to you, "Well the coordinator wants to talk to the wedding party real quick." He shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, okay." You turned to Jimin, "Well I'll see you after then." You smiled and released your hand from his. He unwillingly let go of it, but before you could move away he put his arm around your waist and kissed your cheek, "Goodluck, Y/N." He smiled proudly, while you smiled with surprise and Nick looked away, smiling uncomfortably at the scene. Nick whispered to you as you both walked away, "Well he's certainly not afraid to show affection." He looked down, "He moved a lot quicker than I expected." You just looked at him with a puzzled smile.

The ceremony lasted for just over thirty minutes, then was followed up with pictures for almost another hour as everyone wanted to get shots of their own after the photographer was done. Once that was over everyone headed to the venue for cocktail hour which would be followed by the reception. "Were you crying a little bit up there?" Jimin teased as you both walked down to the wedding hall. You laughed and hit him playfully, "Shut up, I'm an emotional person. And it doesn't help that everyone around me is either married or in serious relationships." You looked down playing with the bouquet in your hand, "I've always been the single friend." He grabbed your hand, "You have me now, though." He smiled cutely at you.

The wedding hall was decorated very elegantly and the lights were slightly dimmed so it had a romantic feel, with well dressed waiters and staff all around. Round tables surrounding the dance floor, and on one end was the DJ booth and the other end is where the bridal party would be sitting. An open bar was in the back where people were already drinking. How in the world can people afford things like this. It was all a bit overwhelming; you bit your inner cheek nervously. Jimin moved his hand to your waist, "Go sit down, I'll get us something to drink." You quickly agreed, "Get me something fruity. Please." He giggled at your cute demanding voice, "I'll be back."

At least I know where I have to sit, you reached the tables and set your stuff down taking in a deep breath; okay by the time I have to dance I should be loosened up, don't worry. Nick sat across from you, "Where'd your prince go?" You gave him an annoyed, curious smile, "Why do you keep calling him that?" He leaned back smiling, "It just fits I guess." He laughed, "Since he swept you off your feet." You laughed covering your face and he continued at your amusement, "You know, I really am like cupid. If it weren't for me on that first day you wouldn't have fallen for him." He grinned proudly at you. You rolled your eyes, "I already thanked you Nick, but don't you think you're taking a little too much credit?" You gave him a tired look raising your brow which he countered with a laugh.

Jimin walked over with two bottles of water causing you to give him a perplexed look, which he laughed at, "You need to stay hydrated." He sat down beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist, "I don't want you fainting or getting sick during your dance." You pouted and Jimin squinted giving you a challenging look, but before he could say anything Nick spoke up, "Y/N is really difficult isn't she?" He laughed, "She's so unhealthy too; never drinks water and eats fatty foods then complains when's she not feeling well." He crossed his arms and shook his head in amusement. You shot daggers at him, "Nick I swear, you-" He cut you off, "I should also warn you that she has a serious attitude too." He laughed as you tried to kick him under the table just reinforcing what he said.

Jimin actually laughed at your interaction as Nick continued, "Don't let her fool you with her cute angelic charms." Jimin looked intrigued, "Really? Is that so? I can't wait to see this other side of her." He glanced down at you with a sly smile causing you to blush a bit. You finally responded with spunk, looking at Nick, "I only get an attitude when someone does something to test my patience." You squinted threateningly, "Like you. Right now. So you better watch yourself." Nick laughed completely unscathed, getting up, "Okay shorty, I'm going to get a drink." Jimin seeing your annoyance laughed gripping your hand tightly, "You're really too cute to even come off even a little scary." You glanced at him unamused. "I actually got you a drink, I just asked a server to bring it over in a little bit." He giggled trying to please you. "Just drink as much water as you can and eat some of the finger foods going around." He said absolute.

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