Chapter 10 "Beginnings"

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"Hey short-" You smacked Nick's arm before he could finish, "Hey! What's that for?" He grabbed his arm dramatically. "Why would you try to make Jimin jealous?" You glared at him, squinting your eyes. Nick laughed loudly, "I was trying to help you!" He smiled widely, "How did you find out? What did he tell you?" He excitedly waited for an answer, but then continued, whining, "You got your Prince but didn't tel-?" Finally cutting him off, "Can you stop talking for a second! Geez." You smiled shyly, "We met this past Sunday..." Coming back from reminiscing, you shot Nick a serious look, "Well anyway, because of that he seemed to suspect our relationship." Nick smiled amused, "Hm, so he's jealous of me?" He said with pride as he grabbed his chin. You rolled your eyes, "I told him about us, but he seemed okay after." You paused, " You know that actually could have caused problems, and it wouldn't of helped in the slightest." His eyes darted around in thought, "I guess I didn't think of that...but it turned out okay! So you should thank me." He posed like a hero, grinning widely, causing you to laugh. "You're too much sometimes." Shaking your head still laughing.

The rehersal went over well, it took about an hour to run through and it was taking place in an very nice outdoor chapel a little walk up the hill beside the main building with beautiful landscape all around. You and Nick were going to be the last couple to enter, so it made you relaxed to see everyone do their stuff first. Everyone worked quickly as you had all been hungry. Following up was the rehersal dinner held in one of the resorts restaurants, where everyone seemed to loosen up and get a bit more talkative; as an introvert you just politely responded to whoever was talking to you at the time trying your best to not be awkward. You stuck close to Nick since Liz and Nate had their hands full, causing some of Nick and Nates family members to question if you were the girlfriend, where you mannerly denied it as Nick observed highly entertained. Everyone decided to meet down at the bar where the pits were in an hour.

Hey, we're finally done 😥 they want everyone to meet by the outside bar in an hour-
How did your practice go? 😀-

-Wouldn't you like to know lol
-So how did it go on your end?

It was fine, I'm socially exhausted though. Nick's family thought I was his girlfriend 😂-

Crap, I maybe shouldn't have said that.

-Oh? They didn't know you guys already dated?

We didn't date long enough to even announced we were dating lol-

-I'm going to go eat with Hoseok and my other friends from the dance studio.
-Have fun, don't drink too much or you'll feel sick tomorrow

I won't see you tonight? Liz said she was going to invited all the guests...-

-It depends on how I'm feeling after eating.

Everyone took a celebratory shot and you mingled for a little bit but were overwhelmed by all the people Liz had invited, you grabbed a fruity drink and sat by a lit fire pit further from the clamouring crowd. I think I may have put Jimin in a bad mood..."I don't think anyone will notice if you leave". Nick approached you. "Are you saying I don't matter?" You laughed. "I know you're not really sociable and I have a feeling it'll get louder." He said earnestly. "It's fine, I have something else on my mind. And I have to get used to this, the wedding tomorrow will probably be a lot worse." You laughed as you glanced towards the crowd now playing music and laughing cheerfully. Nick moved closer, "What's wrong?" You looked down thinking. "I decided to come." Jimin's voice cut through your conversation. Both you and Nick turned to face Jimin. The atmosphere seemed a bit thick and at that que, Nick started backing up. "Well, I'm going to go see if I can get myself a girl. See you Jimin, Y/N." He looked at you with an awkward smile and wide eyes as he turned around, almost like he wished you good luck.

Jimin made his way to you, keeping his gaze down, "Are you having fun?" He carefully sat next to you, slightly turning his head to look at your face. He seems should I play this..."I was just thinking of leaving after finishing this drink. Since I thought you weren't going to come." You tried to lighten his mood by implying you wanted him here. He looked at you closely, "Are you already tipsy?" He said slightly amused, turning his whole body to you. I guess I do feel a little buzz, "I didn't drink a lot!" You said defensively. "I'm just a lightweight." He laughed at your cute objection, grabbing your hand, "Okay, I believe you. No need to get defensive." He loosened up with a smile. You smiled back as you examined his hand over yours, "Are you getting a drink?" He leaned back looking up at the sky, "I'm not much of a drinker, and I only came down to see you." He looked down at you with gentle sideways smile. "Can I ask you something?" He said more seriously. "Sure." You replied drinking your cocktail. "Do I seem innocent to you?"

You were stunned by his question but before you could even think of an answer a mischievous voiced called out, "Jimin! Is this Y/N?" He approached you, introducing himself, "I'm Jungkook, I remember seeing you that one day in the studio." He was wearing the same cute smile from the first time you saw him, "Hey, I'm Y/N." He glanced at Jimin then back at you, keeping the mischievous tone; smiling widely, raising his brow and crossing his arms, "You know, Jimin talks about you a lo-" He giggled loudly as Jimin got up quickly shoving him, embarrassed with an angry smile. You smiled with joy seeing their interaction, "So you work at the studio too? Then you're also performing?" He replied smoothly, "I'm just an assistant but yeah I'm also performing tomorrow." He smiled. "Jungkook is the youngest, but he has no respect for his elders." Jimin added playfully annoyed. Jungkook challenged Jimin again, "Jimin is fairly easy to practice with, but today he was too much."

He continued to mimick him, making funny gestures and raised his pitch, "Stop messing around! Get serious! I need to impress Y/N." Jimin caught off guard threw his head back laughing, covering his mouth with one hand and shoving him with the other as Jungkook laughed hard at his embarrassment. You too laughed, as his impression sounded kind of accurate and Jimin's shy embarrassed reaction was too precious. "Okay that's enough. Get out of here!" Jimin finally yelled sending Jungkook off giggling as he waved goodbye to you. "That kid drives me crazy." Jimin added as he watched him walk away. You couldn't stop smiling at the humorous scene that just unfolded. He turned his attention back to you, shyly fixing his hair then scratched his nose nervously, "Can I walk you back to your room?"

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