Chapter 7 "It's Complicated"

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The moment seemed like a lifetime, Jimin stopped in his tracks, but you didn't look up at him yet. Your heart still beating rapidly, you continued before he could say anything, voice shaking, "I want to get to know you- can you get coffee with me whenever you're free...?" You finally looked towards him, noticing Hoseok was there too, now observing you both quietly. This is so embarrassing, please say something Jimin... Jimin seemed taken aback, shocked, speechless as his mouth was slightly open and his eyes wide. He gasped, but only enough to where his ears could hear, blinking as he tried to compose himself. He carefully analyzed the situation, turning his head slightly to where Hoseok was sitting; and quickly facing you again. He looked down biting his bottom lip frowning for a split second, then looked back up at you, "I'm sorry Y/N, we're not aloud to see students outside of the classroom." His words hit you hard, and your whole body started shaking, but you tried to play it off, "Oh, o-o-okay. No, that makes sense." You turned around and threw the door open as you could feel your voice breaking, "See you Wednesday." You quickly left without even giving him a chance to say anything else. I'm such an idiot, hot tears rolled down your cheeks.

Both Liz and Nick texted you; you assumed they must have figured out the answer as you didn't reply and your phone stopped vibrating. You unapologetically started to eat a pint of ice cream and cried to some of your favorite love song. You thought you could take his rejection, but were gravely mistaken. I can't let this make things awkward for Wednesday and Friday. So if I just cry it out now, I should be able to get through this week then I won't have to see him again. You tried reasoning with yourself, guys aren't even worth it. Why should you be crying over this when he just saw you as a student anyway? Maybe I should just get a Tinder or something to pass my time.

Wednesday came, and you tried your best to seem like everything was fine, but were much quieter than usual. Nick tried his best to lighten your mood, and Liz was more than ready to start setting you up with guys she knew. You appreciated their efforts, and were able to get through the lesson because of them. You couldn't bring yourself to look at Jimin though, so you made sure to engross yourself in the dance and only focused on yourself. Jimin on the other hand seemed to glance in your direction often, looks filled with regret.

Friday was here already, this week went by sort of quickly. You kept yourself distracted with other things, but now that the day is here you feel kind of sad. Jimin was the first guy since dating Nick that you had really been interested in...I guess I just suck at relationships. I'm doomed to be alone forever. Might as well start adopting cats. You went through the routine one last time in the studio, this time around you aloud your eyes to drift to Jimin every once in a while, taking him in one last time. He's so attractive! Why!?!?! Why did I ever agree to this. Life would have been better without having to ever know you existed. That I can't have you... You left the studio with your head down, ready to spend your weekend alone.

You were spread across your couch being lazy and feeling depressed, what a fun Saturday, you thought sarcastically as you watched some house buying show. Bzzzzzzt. You glanced at your phone: Liz?

-Hey I forgot I owe you a meal! Can we get something tomorrow?

YES, all I need is food in my life 😭-

-Lol ok, is 10:30 fine, for brunch?
-Wear something cute and put on some makeup 🙂

Taking me somewhere fancy Liz? 😋😘-

-Lol well if you've been crying you should try to cover it up at least a little 😝

She sent you the place to meet her at, this doesn't seem like a place I'd need to look expectantly good at...

Do I really need to look cute? It doesn't seem fancy 😕-
and at 10:30 too....-

-Just trust me, please?

I'll try...see you then 😊-

It was a bit chilly this morning, and you didn't quite feel like getting super fixed up. You went for a simple look, long-sleeved black shirt, tight on the arms and a bit loose around your body with some cut outs on the shoulders, and a nice comfy long gray cardigan sweater over. Your favorite blue jeans and your cute black sandals. You brushed your hair with your hands, throwing it up into a high messy bun and did minimal, natural makeup.

You left your car, walking towards the cute café with a nice seating area outside, I'm a bit late, just 6 minutes, but she should be here. You walked in looking around, it was a big old charming home that was turned into a coffee shop; cozy with a seating area above as well, it smelled nice and had a welcoming feel.

Where are you?-

You waited for her reply.

-Upstairs, order your stuff first I'll wait ☺

You took your breakfast sandwich and coffee upstairs looking around, it was big but not a lot of people were up here. "Y/N?" Oh my God, that's Jimin's voice. Why is Jimin here? You slowly turned to the voice. Jimin was sitting at a back table by a window. He set his phone down nervously, looking at you. He was wearing a white tee-shirt with a predominantly black bomber jacket over it, ripped blue jeans and black combat boots. His casual look is really nice...wait what should I do. You finally spoke, "Are you here with Liz by any chance?" You tried acting casual, "We were supposed to have brunch." Jimin smiling at your failed understanding of the situation, replied, "I asked Liz to get you to come today." He couldn't help but giggle shyly at your confusion. "Can you sit with me?" He said hopefully, pursing his lips cutely.

Unsure of how to act or what to do, you walked over to him slowly setting your stuff down, sitting across from him. I'm going to kill Liz. How can she put me in this situation! You avoided eye contact and began rocking your legs up and down nervously. Jimin also seemed a bit nervous too as he was playing with the rings he was wearing. "You have bad timing." Jimin finally said causing you to look up at him. "You asked me out right in front of my boss." He sighed covering his face a bit, trying to hide his flushed cheeks. You noticed and couldn't help but turn a little red too, still staying silent. "I had no choice but to turn you down." He plead. "If you had said something before we got to the front," He paused, looking into your eyes sincerely, "I would have said yes."

(Jimin X Reader) Dance Floor RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now