Chapter 15 "Holding Back"

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After using the restroom you headed to the bar to get water, the songs have gotten more clubby..and loud, as well as the crowd. You walked over to Jimin, who was conversing with the people behind the DJ booth, "Hey, I brought you some water." You said loudly. He turned his attention to you, taking the water, and moving close to you so you could hear, "Thank you Y/N." He lead you back to your table, "Are you ready to get back out there with me?" He giggled looking at your face. You laughed, "Are you going to teach me how to booty dance?" You smiled widely, amused at yourself. He licked his lips cutely, "If you want me to. Don't get mad if I'm better than you though." He started rolling his hips playfully which made you burst out into laughter. "I need a few more drinks before I go out and embarrass myself." You shook your head still smiling from his action.

Jimin looked at you with curiosity, "Do you drink often?" You were caught off guard and honestly embarrassed. "Oh, no!" You quickly tried to explain yourself, "I only drink in social settings." You looked down nervously, "I'm sure you noticed, but I'm really awkward and also don't like crowds. So drinking really helps me loosen up." You looked back at him, "So don't think I'm some alcoholic or something." You laughed awkwardly. Jimin was holding back a smile the entire time you spoke; when you finished he grabbed your hand, "We can leave if you want?" I wouldn't mind leaving..."I don't want to make you leave the party for me. Besides-" You smirked at him, "I was looking forward to watching you dance up close and personal." He laughed, "Well let's go get some shots and head to the dance floor."

"Don't judge me, okay?" You laughed as you walked to the dance floor, leaning closer to the drunk side of the scale. Jimin also seemed to be tipsy as well. He grabbed your hips from behind, "Just don't get stiff." It was now crowded with people, which made you feel less self conscious. The song that started was a line dance song, Yes! Something I can do confidently, you had fun doing the dance which made you more relaxed. It was followed by an unfamiliar dance song and Jimin got behind you without hesitation, firmly grabbing your hips to pull you close. He moved his hips with the beat and you followed, trying to feel the music.

After it finished 'Buttons' started which happened to be your guilty pleasure song back in the day. You turned to face Jimin this time, mouthing the words and moving with enthusiasm; the alcohol was definitely getting to you. He smiled widely with amusement, then bit his lip sensually as he watched you really get into it. He started moving his hands over your body freely, sliding over your butt till he had a grip on your thigh. You moved in sync for a couple songs getting very touchy till Jimin whispered in your ear, "Let's go." He lead you off the dance floor towards the exit. You were taken aback, resisting him a bit, "Wait, like leave-leave?" You questioned. Jimin laughed, "It's loud in here, let's go somewhere quiet." He examined your face, "Do you want to stay?" You shook your head, "No, but I left my stuff on the table. Let me go get it." He released you and you quickly made your way to the table.

You were smiling to yourself with your head down. "Aren't you being too easy?" Nick said loudly as you reached the tables, with a dumb smirk on his face. You glanced up at him slightly annoyed, "Shut up, you're one to talk. I've seen you all over the place tonight." He laughed, "It's different for me sweetie. I'm not trying to have a relationship with anyone." You exchanged looks, "I'm just trying to give you advice. He's still a guy afterall." You pursed your lips in frustration, "Thanks for the advice. Wish I had it when I met you!" You swiftly grabbed your stuff and walked off. You heard him call to you but you ignored him, He's such a jerk...but, maybe he's right. Jimin reached for your hand as you got closer, but realized something was bothering you, "What's wrong?" You shook your head, "Just Nick being a jerk." You sighed loudly closing your eyes, "I'm tired now." He laughed interlocking his hand with yours, "Let's go then."

You walked together silently, reaching the end of the main hall till you broke the silence; speaking shyly, "Umm, where are we going Jimin?" He giggled and looked at you, "I wanted to go sit out by the pits, it's a nice night." You looked down, "Oh, okay." He stopped, "Unless you want to go back to your room?" You blushed as that is what you initially wanted but with what Nick said you weren't sure what to think or say. Jimin smiled down at you and grabbed your other hand, "I wouldn't go to the room with you." He teased, "If that's what you were thinking." You looked away embarrassed, "It's not. I didn't even want to go to the room." He chuckled to himself at your obvious lie, leading you again to the exit.

He asked a staff member to light a fire for you by one of the couches, which they happily did and you both thanked them after they left. He sat down opening his arms, gesturing for you to cuddle next to him, all while smiling cutely. You went along and wrapped your arm around his waist and rested your head on his shoulder. He rubbed your arm gently which started to make you sleepy, "So what did Nick do?" You were silent for a while, "Jimin, I really like you." You looked up to him, and spoke hesitantly, "I know my actions can seem sort of- rushed...I just hope you don't think of me as someone who's easy to get with..." You looked down nervously.

He titled his head to look at your face, "What did Nick say to you?" He laughed a little, "If anything I would say you're just-...passionate." He picked up your chin smiling, "You've been more open with how you feel, but trust me. I've been holding back a lot." He sighed, "Why do you think I pulled you out of there so fast?" He looked up towards the stars, "You improved a lot. I wasn't expecting your dancing to be so sexy." Glancing at you with a smirk he moved his hand up towards your face, cupping it and tilting his head to kiss you. As he pulled away he bit your lip which surprised you, "Ow, what was that for?!" You touched your lip and furrowed your brow. Jimin laughed, "Sorry, I've been wanting to do that for a while now."

Seeing your unamused face he hugged you tightly and giggled, "Don't be like that, I'll make it up to you." You looked at him curiously. "I'll stay with you tonight." He paused, "But I'm not as innocent as I look." He growled jokingly, "I'm a beast at night so you better be careful." For some reason you pictured Beast who happened to be a prince as well. You laughed, "I trust you Jimin, I know you won't do anything out of line." You exchanged smiles and Jimin got up leading you back inside. You grabbed onto his arm with your free hand and looked up to him, "I'm glad I took those lessons." He smiled fondly at you, "Me too."

(Jimin X Reader) Dance Floor RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now