Chapter 4 "Love Sick"

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Jimin wrapped his arm around you from behind, holding you tightly, you followed his lead and threw your head back against his chest; arching your back on his body. You could feel his hot breath on your neck as he gently kissed you, you let out a desperate whimper to let him know you wanted more-
You shot up in your bed, breathing heavy and sweating, you looked at your clock. 3:19 am, you laid back down groaning, errr, now I'm having dreams about him. More like he's haunting my dreams...this is the third one since last Friday, and they seem to be getting worse. You have to wake up for work in a couple hours and you have dance later today too, I need to go back to bed. You drifted off again.

You completed Monday and Wednesday's lessons, with a few bumps in the road. You had started practicing with your wedding shoes, which was bearable and as Jimin said, he started getting more handsy with you when it came to the second half of the routine. He would try to lead your body along with the music, grabbing your hips, moving your waist, fixing your arm and leg positions. All of which caused you to blush profusely and lock up a bit more. You weren't even denying it anymore, you were attracted to him, and definitely started feeling something with the way he continued to gently encourage you, while speaking with a smooth sweet tone; joking with you when he felt you were too tense. It just made it harder for you to allow him to touch you so nonchalantly, but you constantly reminded yourself: it is his job. Having Nick as your partner didn't help the situation either, every chance he got he'd make sure to make fun of all the things you did. After every interaction you had with Jimin he'd fan himself off mockingly, point at you then his face, showing how much you were blushing. Or would rub his butt anytime you looked at Jimin from behind. You hate to admit it, but sometimes it was funny. You improved with Wednesday's class but you need to do better, and now you only have four more classes left.

Your alarm went off and you turned it off wearily, still sweating and now feeling achy. Great, I have a fever, you sat up slowly, and a winced as you touched your head. You sluggishly walked to your bathroom to get the thermometer, 101°. Guess I better call in, I'm going to need to go to the clinic to get a doctor's note, and some medication. After getting off the phone you threw on a long sleeve shirt and some used pants, put your hair up and slipped into some comfy shoes. At least now I have an excuse to stay home today...after that dream I don't know if I would be able to focus on dancing with Jimin helping me.

You arrived back home after an hour and a half with your meds in hand and some coffee and donuts you picked up on the way back. Putting your stuff down on the coffee table, you tossed your clothes on the floor, picked up a blanket, turned on the TV and fell back on the couch. Munching on your donuts and coffee you sent Liz a text.

Hey I have the flu, so I won't be going to practice today.-

You waited for her reply, I lost my appetite but I need to eat so I can take my medicine...I should actually be drinking water, oh well.

-Really? That sucks, I hope you feel better soon 😯 I'll tell Jimin you can't make it.

Thanks Liz, I'm going to get some rest 🤒😪-

With that you took your medicine and tried to get comfortable, watching some shows you needed to catch up on. You kept dosing off and on most of the time you were home.

You woke up to your phone vibrating: it was Nick.

-Hey why aren't you here?

I'm sick, didn't Liz say anything?-

-Oh, she just said you couldn't make it
-Even your prince was concerned Lol
-Want me to come take care of you? 😉

😑 I'll pass.-

-You'll regret it. If you're not here to distract him he'll fall for me with my devilish charms
-You'll come back Monday and Jimin will have you replaced 🙁

What are you going on about? Are you on drugs? 😂 I know you're an idiot but I didn't expect you'd be dumb enough to do drugs.-

Hmm, he stopped texting back. Maybe I was too mean, or he probably started the class. You set your phone down and started watching an episode, I wonder if Jimin was really worried or if Nick was just messing with me. The episode finished and you got up to get water. Bzzzzzzt.

-Do you want me to bring you something to eat when I'm done?

Nick again...hmm I am hungry...

Why are you being nice? What are you planning 😐-

-Why are you so hostile haha I'm genuinely concerned for you
-I know I was a jerk before but that was so long ago
-Can't you give me a second chance?

Second chance???-

-I mean as just friends 😂
-I promise if I try anything funny or just annoy you too much, I'll leave.

Well he has been more bearable lately compared to when you last saw him...

Okay fine, when will you be here? What are you getting?-

"Jimin, can I borrow the CD this weekend?" Nick walked up to Jimin, gesturing to the stereo. "Sure, but why? You have the routine down." He said intrigued, turning to him, crossing his arms. "I'm taking Y/N dinner, she's sick and I thought she could use it this weekend, maybe I could help her." Nick replied with an angelic tone, trying to hide his real motive. He's definitely trying to get some kind of confirmation of how Jimin feels about you. Jimin pursed his lips for a split second then continued to fix his hair with one of his hands and dropped both arms to his side, "Yeah, that's fine. Just bring it back Monday." He said coldly, getting the disk out and handing it to Nick. Nick taking pleasure in Jimin's actions, smiled widely, "Thanks man, I'll tell Y/N you said hi." He walked out triumphantly.

You quickly changed into comfy PJ's as Nick said he was almost there. I'm so hungry, I didn't want to eat till Nick got here though, you sat back down on the couch waiting impatiently. Knock-Knock. FINALLY, you opened the door quickly. "Hey shorty, I have a delivery for you." Nick said posted up on the door with a dumb smirk on his face, holding a pizza. "Do you seriously want to be kicked out before you even come in?" You said unamused, putting your hand on your hip. He laughed, "I'm just messing with you, lighten up." You squinted at him suspiciously, slowing opening up your door. "Come in."

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