Chapter 11 "Suppressed Feelings"

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Jimin held out his hand wanting for you to take it, and you did without hesitation still holding your, now, almost finished drink. He tightly locked his hand with yours and lead you back towards the lodge. "You and Jungkook seem like good friends." You smiled at him as you guys walked side by side. "I'm close with everyone from the studio, we've all been friends for a long time." Smiling, he turned to you, "Where's your room?" You pointed to the elevator, "Fourth floor." You and Jimin walked down the quiet hall, "So are you nervous for tomorrow?" He glanced at you. "To be honest not really, I feel a lot more confident now, and even went over the routine a few times by myself." You looked towards him, with a small smile on your face. "You're actually not a bad dancer when you put your whole body into it, and you being able to learn so fast is a plus. I'm sure you're going to do great." He looked at you fondly.

You had reached your room, and without thinking you turned to Jimin, "Do you want to come in?" You asked innocently. He bit his lip in thought, "It's probably better if I don't." He played with his hair nervously with his free hand. You gave him a puzzled look, "It's still early, we could rent a movie, or just hang out." He examined your face, "How can you ask me this so innocently? Or are you really just that daring?" Not understanding his meaning, he stepped closer to you. "First asking me out, then holding my hand and now you're inviting me in?" He raised his brow, "Do I not seem like the type of guy who can make a bold move?" The alcohol must have been influencing you as you still couldn't see the danger in front of you, he smirked at your naivety, "I'm still a guy Y/N, I wouldn't be able to guarantee control over myself." He looked down at his feet, "As much as I would like to think I could." He got silent in thought, then looked back at you gently, "I want to take things slow."

You finally understood what he was saying and you blushed profusely almost instantaneously; quickly pulling your hand away from Jimin to cover your embarrassed face. Seeing as you were unable to speak he laughed then groaned in frustration taking you into an embrace, "You're too cute! I can barely stand it." You were caught off guard, but welcomed it. You silently hugged till his frustration seemed to dissipate. He pulled away slowly to look at your face, "I really like you Y/N." You sheepishly looked up to him, unsure of what would happen next. He licked his bottom lip cutely, looking into each of your eyes then your lips, hesitantly. Is-is he going to kiss me? Your heart starting picking up speed, waiting. He understood what you were thinking, causing his lips to curl to a shy innocent smile, looking down then back at you. "Goodnight Y/N, I'll come by tomorrow so we can go to the wedding together." You tried to hide your disappointment, but failed as you pouted your lips just enough for Jimin to see. He caught you and swiftly grabbed your cheek pinching it slightly, "You really want to test me?" He said playfully. "Ow! Jimin stop." You shook your head trying to get him off closing your eyes. He let go and smoothly placed a small kiss on your sore cheek where he had just let go. You looked up in surprise, met with Jimin smiling sweetly at you, "Goodnight." He turned and casually walked down the hall leaving you stunned at your door.

You threw yourself on your bed in frustration, how could he just leave me like that, I wish he had stayed...You groaned and went to the bathroom to start a shower, trying to get your mind off it. After getting out you checked your phone: three texted messages from Jimin-

-Sorry for leaving like that, but if I had stayed any longer I wouldn't have wanted to leave...

-Make sure to rest up and stay hydrated

-Since the wedding is later in the day do you want to get lunch?

He's so cute when he acts like this, You laughed, he has no shame sending texts without receiving a reply.

How are you going to tell me to rest up then send me a text 15 minutes later? Lol-
Lunch sounds good 😊-

You met up in the main hallway the next day, you both dressed very casually. "Those pants are too tight aren't they?" Jimin said warily as he looked at you head to toe. "I've worn these before; at practice." You touched them raising your brow in a confused manner. He grabbed your hand as you got closer, "I know, and they were distracting." He implied, laughing. "Do you want me to go change?" You teased, trying to escape his grip. "Well, I don't mind them, but it just brings too much attention to your body." He quickly pulled you back making sure you couldn't leave him, "I'll just have to make sure to let it be known that you're with someone." He bit his lip, with flirtatious eyes, smirking faintly.

"Hmmm, last time I checked I was single..." You said open-endedly with a sly smile on your face waiting for a response. He chuckled at your cute body language, "You're right." He nodded his head, "I guess I can't be territorial if I haven't officially claimed you as mine." He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you in closer; looking down at you, "Should we make it offical with a kiss?" He joked, puckering his lips cutely. You smiled widely at his action, then laughed, "How can you go from flirty to cute so quickly?" Your tone turned more serious, "You must be really popular with your girl students." Jimin sensed the jealousy in your voice.

Giggling he wrapped his other arm around you, "So what if I am?" You glanced at him with displeasure across your face. "Like I said, we aren't aloud to have relationships with our students. Not that I'd be interested anyway." He smiled innocently at you, "I only have eyes for the girl I like." There was a pause, "Unless, she would rather be single?" He asked expectantly with a hopeful smile. You smiled shyly at him, "Do you really want to be my boyfriend?" You lightened up and continued in a joking manner, "I'm kind of a pain. That's why I've been single for so long." He grinned then quickly pecked your nose, "Let's go eat, baby." You couldn't help but smile widely at the new development, holding his hand as you walked together.

(Jimin X Reader) Dance Floor RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now