Chapter 5 "All Is Forgiven?"

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"Here, I brought you this." Nick turned around handing you the CD, "So you can practice a bit before Monday." You took it baffled, "Wow, that's actually really considerate of you Nick." He put the pizza down on the counter, "Yeah I'm a nice guy, why did you ever let me go?" He said smugly, turning to you. You gave him an exhausted look, "I'm too sick to deal with your ego...and here I thought you changed." You sighed. "Okay, okay, I'll stop joking around." He said putting his hands up like he surrenders. "Do you have any beer?" He walked to the fridge. "You know I don't." You quickly replied while grabbing a plate and pizza. "Get me some ranch while you're in there, and a soda." You added. "You need to drink water." He said sitting down next to you, putting a bottle of water beside your plate. You didn't complain but rolled your eyes.

Nick broke the silence, "So, you don't look too sick, were you making it up so you wouldn't have to embarrass yourself in front of Jimin?" He chuckled. "I took medicine and I slept a lot too. I still feel a little out of it." You avoided his question and took a bite out of your pizza. "Would you prefer if he was here with you?" He continued interrogating you. "What? What kind of question is that?" You shot him a surprised look. He laughed , finishing his pizza and wiping his hands, "Stop acting so surprised... Unless you really don't realize you like him?" He raised a brow, questioning you. You stayed silent for a bit but then spoke up. "So what if I do, I doubt he feels the same way." You looked down, "I'm just another student in his eyes." You continued, "Even if he did, I probably ruined it by being so awkward!" You groaned loudly, then went into deep though till it striked you. "And, I won't even see him again after next Friday..."

Nick sat and listened to you vent long enough. "You're cute, and your awkwardness just makes you more likeable." He said smiling at you, "As a guy I can say that he definitely finds you attractive and I have a feeling he would like to get to know you better." Is this actually the Nick you dated so long ago...why is he being so, so..attentive and caring? He continued, bringing you back to the conversation. "If you want to see him more after next Friday, why don't you ask him out?" He looked at you sincerely. You looked back at him, completely shocked and confused, not sure what to say. "Ask him out? On a date? Me?! Are you crazy!" Nick laughed at you for getting flustered, "You're right, you can't even dance around him without your whole world being thrown out of balance. Well I guess there's nothing you can do but enjoy the last few days you have with him." He got up, stretched and headed to your couch. You sat still in deep thought.

Nick was busy looking for something to watch when you interrupted him, "Why are you getting so cozy? You're not staying here." You said laughing a bit. "I thought you wanted to talk more. I can leave if you want." He said keeping his gaze on the TV. You stood there with your arms crossed, thinking, until finally going over and sitting next to him. "Thanks for bringing me food and listening to me." You said after a moment of silence, "I guess you have changed a bit from when we met." You sat back waiting for a reaction. "I told you to give me a second chance." He replied with a laugh. "But why do you care so much about Jimin and I?" You asked curiously.

He stopped watching the TV and looked at you, "To be honest, I was a bit jealous the first day you met him." He laughed embarrassingly, "He was able to get reactions out of you that I had always wanted to see but from me." He couldn't help but awkwardly laugh a little, scratching the back of his head and he continued, "After awhile I just liked seeing you like that regardless of if it was from me or someone else." He put his head down slightly with a shy smile. I've never seen him like this before, if he had been like this from the beginning maybe we could've worked out. "I guess, I just want you to be happy, even if that sounds lame. I know we only dated for a little bit and were never offical..I still- want you to- be happy..." He covered his face, dying from embarrassment. You smiled widely wanting to die of laughter but held it in, "You know, you're a lot more likeable when you're like this. Down to earth. If you were like this more you could get a girlfriend." You poked him gently, teasing him, with a grin on your face. He gave you a sideways glance while still covering his face, "Okay stop teasing me." He laughed a little, laying back on the couch.

"So you really think he'd be interested in me?" You finally asked nervously. "I think you won't know till you ask. Worse that can happen is he says no, then you can know where you stand and continue the lessons as what they are: lessons. I think it'd help you not be so distracted if you knew the answer." He gave you an encouraging smile. He's right, I sometimes feel like Jimin flirts with me, which is why my feelings are all over the place; and why I can't really focus. When should I ask him out though? Where to? "I think the sooner you ask him out the better, and make it somewhere simple. Like coffee this weekend." Nick gazed at you, seemingly reading your mind. "Well I have to go, I'm going to the gym in the morning, wanna come? You can be my spotter." He said playfully standing up. "I'm still sick, and you know I don't like working out." You responded, still seated.

"That's probably why you're sick, you eat so unhealthy and don't drink enough water." He laughed, "Your body may be nice now but when you're old you'll regret not taking care of yourself." You gave him a challenging look furrowing your brows, quickly following with a frisky attitude, "Since when are you qualified to give me lectures?" Nick laughed loudly, "Since we are friends now?" He said open-endedly with a cheesy smile. You examined him suspiciously, "Hmmm...fine. I guess I can forget the way you acted before. BUT, you're still on a fine line." He smiled happily and started heading out the door, "I'll see you Monday, don't forget to practice when you feel better. Also bring the CD on Monday too. Goodnight Y/N." You called out as fast as you could before he could leave, "Thanks again Nick. Goodnight!" I should get ready for bed, I need to practice hard this weekend.

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