First Day

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Senior year a fresh start.

I didn't get to spend the summer with Peter which made me a little upset. I had to go with my dad to Germany for business.

Even though me and Peter didn't see each other we texted and FaceTimed every day and night.

School starts today and I've never been so happy to go to school.

I woke up early because I couldn't sleep. I got dresses and did my makeup then went straight into the kitchen where my dad and Pepper were standing.

"Hey dad! Hey pepper." I said sitting down on the bar stool to eat my cereal they had made me.

"Hey sweetie!" My dad said kissing me on the head. "Ready for the first day of the last year of school?"

"Yes definitely." I smiled thinking about Peter.

"Someone on your mind?" Pepper asked.

"Maybe? Well I gotta go can't be late for school!" I said running to the door.

I walked outside and saw Spiderman whipping through the city.

"Hey Peter." I said to myself.

I hadn't seen him for three months so I was excited to see him in person.

I raced to school and found my new locker and stuffed my books in it.

"I guess we're locker buddies."

I shut my locker to see Liz Allen standing.

Oh shoot she must hate me for going out with Peter.

"I guess so." I smiled at her.

She smiled back and left.

That was weird. I shook my head and waited for Peter and Ned. They never showed up.

I decided to just go to class.

"Peter where are you?"

I sat down in class and thought about Peter the whole time.

"(Y/n) you still with us?" The teacher asked.


Class ended and I walked right past the lunch room trying to look for Peter.

Peter's POV
I sat in the lunch room with Ned.

"Have you seem (y/n) anywhere?" I asked Ned.

"No I haven't sorry bud."

I looked down when Ned nudged me in the arm.

I looked up to see (y/n) walking past the lunch room.

She looked a lot older in just three months.
It kinda intimidated me. Even though we were still dating it made me nervous.

I just stared at her.

"Did (y/n) get a new top?" I asked Ned looking

"No we've seen that before. But not with that skirt."

"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy."

I heard a voice come from in front of me.

"Too late." Me and Ned looked at the girl. "You guys are losers."

I put my hand up my eyes saying "seriously."

I saw (y/n) look at me

"PETER!" She screamed as she ran towards me.

I felt butterflies in my stomach.


"PETER!" I screamed running towards him.

I saw Peter get up "Y/N!"

I ran into his arms and hugged him.

"I've missed you so much!" I said looking at him up and down.

He's grown even more making him 5 inches taller than me and he looked more muscular.

"You look amazing." He said to me.

"So do you." I said blushing.

"Oh just kiss her already." Ned said as he took a drink of his chocolate milk.

Peter smiled and kissed me for the first time in three months.

Even though we have been through long periods of time not seeing each other ,like London, we always seemed to come back to each other.

We stopped kissing when we heard a girl laugh voice behind us.

"Hello Peter? Is that you?"

"Blaire!?" He said.

"In the flesh!" Blaire said.

She was pretty very pretty. How did Peter know her!? She was kinda intimidating.

"Who's this Parker?" She said crossing her arms.

"This is (y/n) my-"

I butted in "girlfriend I'm his girlfriend."

I smiled at her and she smiled at me.

"Well it's nice to meet you." She said.

The bell was ringing.

"Well I need to get to class." Peter kissed me on the cheek. "I'll see you after class (y/n). Nice seeing you again Blaire." With that he walked away.

"Bye Parker!" She smiled.

When she saw that he was gone he smiled turned into an evil glare.

"Peter's mine. He's always been mine and always will be mine. M-k?" She put on her fake smile again "buh-bye now."

I turned to Ned who had a horrified look in his face.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Oh you mean Blaire? Satan herself?" He said.

Oh great.

Yay first part to my sequel! I hope you enjoy it as much as I am! If this the first book your reading of mine welcome and thank you for reading it! ❤️

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