College Talk

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"Hey Peter!" I said to him as he walked to class.

"Hey babe! How you holding up."

"Um not? I'm so ready for school to done...forever!"

"Oh come on what about college aren't you going?"

"Uh I don't know."

"Oh come on! You haven't picked out a college yet?"

"No have you?"

"Um n-no of course- of course not." He lied

"Why are you lying Pete?" I said as I grabbed his hand.

"Let's just drop the whole college thing."

"Okay but you brought it up." I kissed him and walked to class "bye Pete!"

Peter's POV

"Bye (y/n)."

I haven't told her but I got accepted for a free ride to Stanford University. Thousands of miles away.

Of course I want to go but I don't know what I'm going to do.

I love (y/n) and that might be the reason I won't even tell her I got accepted and I won't go.

"Hey man!" Ned yelled interrupting my thoughts

"Oh hey dude! Did you get your letter to Stan-"

"Shhh! She might hear you!"

"Wait you haven't told her?"

"What? No no of course not! Why would I?"

"Because she's your girlfriend and she deserves to know."

"But I'm not going."

He stopped me "what do you mean not going?"

"What I just said. I can't go."

"If you don't tell her I will because you're going whether she likes it or not."

"Since when did you become my mom!"

"Since you are making a huge mistake by not going. Just think about it alright?"

"Okay. Now what about Michele huh?." I said smirking.

"Oh shut up. Why did we have to play truth or dare!"

I laughed and walked to class

When class was over I saw (y/n) at her locker holding an envelope.

"Hey babe." I kissed her head and she quickly put it away. "Whatcha got there?"

"Oh nothing just stupid junk mail that's all."

"Oh really." I asked knowing she was hiding something.

"Yeah my dads mail to me is junk mail. They keep sending his mail to me."

"You live in the same house."

"Oh yeah but...okay you caught me! It's a birthday present for you. I just didn't want you to know you little snoop."

Oh sorry babe." I laughed.

She was a very good liar but I still know when she is lying.

"I got to get to class I'll see you at lunch?" She said walking away.


She made a silly face and mocked me "duh."

When she was gone I picked her lock on her locker because I'm just that good and look at the envelope.


It was already open so I looked at it.

"She got into Stanford with scholarships? But how?"

I knew she was I class but I had to ask her about this.

I ran the halls until I saw her in a class room.

"Psst! (Y/n)!" I motioned for her to come out.

"May I be excused?" She asked her teacher.

The teacher nodded her head.

She walked up to me.

"Peter what's going-how did you get that?" She said pointing to the letter.

"It doesn't matter more importantly how did you get into Stanford for free!?"

"Oh um I don't know?"

"Yes you do...I'm just confused you take all of the basic classes and you don't even do any type of club."

"Way to pry into my business huh?" She laughed but I could tell she was angry.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"I take night classes."


"I take night classes like the really hard ones. And I do clubs outside of the school."


"Because I needed a challenge on top of my regular school because I was getting bored in sophomore year and I guess it sorta got me huge scholarships and stuff."

"Wow! That's amazing!"

"Yeah but I'm not going."

"What why!?"

"Because I don't want to leave you. You aunt always says how you want to go to NYU. So I'll just go there with you it would be so much fun!"

"But I got into Stanford too."

"Wait really?"

I held up my envelope.

"Free died just like you."

She hugged my tightly "oh my gosh! Peter we're Stanford buddies!"

"Yeah I can't wait! I'm so happy."

He hugged my waist and kissed me.

"I love you."


"Ned? I just kissed you and you're thinking about Ned?"

"No I mean we can't leave Ned."

"Shoot! I don't want to leave Ned!!"

"Me neither he's the one who brought us back together."

We both looked at each other and said

"We can't go!"

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