Truth or Dare

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Thank you @superherogirl4ever for suggesting this! Hope you like it!

Today was the day! My dad leaves for Germany and I get the whole Stark Tower to myself.

When I got to school I ran over to Peter and Ned talking something about Star Wars and Star Trek.

"Ned! How many times do I have to tell you Star Wars had Banthas and Star Trek has Targs."

Out of breath I excitedly said "guys! Guess what!?"

They both looked at me holding their backpacks on their shoulders

"What is it?" The both asked.

"My dad is leaving today!"

"Well That's cool?" Ned said confused

"Yeah why are you excited about that?" Peter asked.

"Because I have the whole Stark tower to myself which means party at my place?!"

They both looked at each other

"We aren't really party people you know?" Ned said

I laughed "I know which is why this party only consists of me, You and Peter."

They both smiled "I'm down!" Peter said grabbing my hand.

"Me too. What time?" Ned asked

"Meet me outside after school then we can go get snacks and movies and fun games!"

"Sweet." Ned said.

The bell rang

"Shoot I can't be late for class." Ned said running down the hall.

Me and Peter walked hand and hand "so Targs and Banthas. That's what you guys talk about when I'm not around...nerds." I laughed

"Ha-ha." He said sarcastically "you know you love me."

I kissed him on the cheek "yeah I do."

After that We both went to class.

*Time Skip*

We all met up after school and we got all the junk food and old movies we could find.

When we got to the tower we set all the food on the table.

"I don't think we will be able to eat all of this food." Peter said.

I smirked "that sounds like a challenge." I said as I grabbed two bags of chips and a carton of ice cream.

We all sat On the couch and watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

I ate a half a bag of chips and half a carton of ice cream then I got full.

"Peter, I'm so full!"

"I told you it was too much food."

Ned laughed at Peter

"Okay Peter, now you're starting to sound like my Mom."

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