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"Well what are we going to do!?" I asked Peter.

"I don't know but we have to do something!"

Suddenly we saw Ned walking towards us.

He looked at us weirdly

"Guys what's up you look like nervous wrecks."

Me and Peter looked at each other

"Nervous why would we be nervous?" I asked

"I don't know...what's that in your hands?"

We both hid our letters.

"What, nothing." Peter said.

Ned grabbed the letters.

"You guys both go into Stanford!? That's awesome!"

"No its not!" Me and Peter yelled.

"Why not?" Ned asked

"Because we can't leave you!"

"Who said anything about leaving me?"

Ned held up his own Stanford letter.

"Oh my gosh!" I jumped up and gave him a huge hug

He smiled

"Ned That's awesome!" Peter smiled

"I can't wait to spend our college years together!"

I kissed Peter

"We can be together for a long time!"

Peter smiled and kissed me again

"Forever even." He said.

I smiled


School was finally over and Ned, Peter and I spent the whole summer planing our new adventure together.

Me and Peter were in my room...this time we actually locked the door.

Peter kissed me very passionately our bodies as close as can be as he pushed my up against a wall.

"Careful spiderman!"

"Why is it that you only call me spiderman when we are making out?" He said as he started to kiss my neck.

"Because it's the only time I realize that you could actually kill me if you kiss me hard enough."

He stopped out of breath "true."

He laid on the bed and laid down with him. (Not like that!)

"Peter do you love me?" I said as I turned my gaze to his.

"Of course what would make you think I didn't?"

I looked up "I don't know."

He sat up and grabbed my hand

"(Y/n) you are my first love! I will love you always no matter what."


"I will love you always."

I agreed with him

"Yeah Always." I smiled.

The day finally arrived, the day we go to Stanford.

I said my goodbyes to my dad and the Avengers and me, Peter and Ned started to walk to the plane

Peter grabbed my hand.

"You ready?"

"Yeah let's take on this new adventure together!"

A smiled seeped through as he kissed my lips

We all walked on to our new adventure together.

Two Years Later

I walked to the cafeteria.

"Hey guys!" I said to my friends.

"Hey (y/n)!" They all said

"Did you hear that Peter Parker is top of the whole Stanford class?" Mille asked

"No I didn't hear that." I said to her

"Well turns out he is a freaking genius!" Jake said.

"Wow who would've thought." I said sarcastically as I smiled

"Well how would you know it's not like your know him." Mille said

"Yeah you're right. I have to go guys. see you later?"

"You know it!"

I was walking out of the cafeteria when I saw Peter walk in.

"M.J. Will you get me a plate?"

M.J. Kissed him "sure babe!"

Our eyes met and I smiled at Peter.

He smiled back as he walked away to the cafeteria.

"Always..." I said as I walked out of the cafeteria.

Peter's POV
I walked away from (y/n) and to myself I whispered


Your POV

Not every story has a happy ending.

Yet again Neither does life.

Peter Parker will always be my first love.

He was my friend when I was down.

My partner when I was in trouble.

and my boyfriend when I was hurt.

I love him and that will never change.

But you see Life isn't always perfect and in the end we can always have hope that one day we will find each other again and live Happily Ever After.

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