Together Again

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"Come on (y/n) you're telling me that Iron Man is cooler than Spider-Man?" Millie said as she ate her food in the cafeteria.

"Well yeah who wouldn't?" I said looking down at the food I front of me.

"Uh us and probably everyone in this school." Jake said laughing

"Well that's cool but I still think iron man is cooler." I said with a smile as I walked away to throw my trash away.

When I was throwing my trash away I saw Peter in the corner of my eye as he hugged M.J.

Honestly I'm happy he found someone like M.J. She's really cool and it's great he found the one. That doesn't change the fact that I still love him even if he doesn't love me back. Our break up was mutual. We broke up before the end of our freshman year of college and went our separate ways. We don't talk anymore but I still think about him all the time. Maybe more now that it's my senior year and schools almost over and when I mean almost I mean In two weeks.

"Hey (y/n)!" I heard Ned call me over.

I smiled as I looked over at a table and saw Ned and Michelle talking and holding hands. I'm so glad they ended up together!

"Hey Ned! Hey Michelle!" I said as I walked up to their table. "What's up?"

"Oh you know homework lots of it." Ned laughed.

"Hey at least I'm helping you." Michelle said kissing his cheek.

"Okay yeah you are."

I just smiled "well I have to go I'll see you later."

As I got up I accidentally bumped into Peter. It was the first time I had, had an interaction with him since freshmen year.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." I said looking at his shirt that was now covered in chocolate milk.

He looked at his shirt. "Oh it's alright (y/n). I can always get a new shirt."

He said my name. If only he didn't say my name I could've forgotten about this situation but now I can't.

"Yeah um I gotta go." I quickly walked away.

I ran out of the cafeteria. It wasn't hard for me to see Peter from across the room or in class or doing anything really, but him saying my name, talking to me. Being so close to him it was too much to handle I just couldn't take it anymore. I just cried.

Peter's POV

Why out of all people did I have to bumped into (y/n)? It hurt me to talk to her, to breathe the same air as her. It broke my heart to see her run away from me.

I looked at Ned.

"Dude you need to talk to her." He said

My eyes widen "I can't just talk to her Ned I barley know her!"

"Pete, you've known (y/n) for 5 years. Trust me she hasn't changed. She the same person she was freshman year of high school. And I have a feeling you know that."

"What about M.J. What if she thinks I like her huh?"

Ned looked behind

"Trust me I don't think she even knows you're gone."

I turned around to see M.J. Flirting with the captain of the football team. For the year I have been dating her she never really paid attention to me unless we were the only one in the room she knew. I think she only likes me because she knows I could be super rich one day. Why do I think that? Because she tells me everyday how amazing it will be when I or as she says we are rich. I just had to face the facts Mary Jane didn't even care about me.

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