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Your POV

Being super friendly to Peter was very hard to do especially since I knew he didn't really want anything to do with me. But when he gave me the drinks he seemed genuinely nice. I don't know why.

I walked back to the table and set down Harry's and Liz's drinks.

"Here you go guys." I sat down and they were smiling.

"Thanks (y/n)." Harry said.

Liz nodded her head in agreement.

"So Harry I don't think you have met liz officially have you?" I said to him smirking.

"Okay (y/n) cut the act we know what you are doing." He smiled

"Whaaaat! I'm only being nice." I said sarcastically.

Liz laughed "its okay (y/n) we are going out tomorrow night." She blushed making Harry blush.

I put a fist in the air excitedly "yay! You guys are super cute together."

"Thanks!" Harry and Liz said in unison.

Peter and Ned walked back to the table and saw a big smile on my face.

"What did we miss?" Ned asked

"Liz and Harry are going out tomorrow!"

Ned smiled. "That's awesome."

He sat down and took a drink of his coke.

I saw Peter looking at me

"Isn't that amazing Pete?"

Peter's POV

She was so beautiful I couldn't stop staring at her. After I found out she didn't like harry it's like all of my feelings for her rushed through me.

"Isn't that amazing Pete?"

Oh shoot I wasn't listening. But did she just call me pete!? She hasn't called me that in a long time. It made me feel happy because she only calls me Pete when she's happy.

"Yeah! That's uh amazing."

I had no clue what she was talking about.

"Liz you and Harry make such a cute couple." (Y/n) said

Ned nudged me "dude you still here?"

"Uh yea-yeah."

"So you need my help with (y/n) or is this part of your plan?"

I didn't have a plan.

"Oh okay would help me Ned?"

He smiled "that's all you had to say."

His voice got louder.

"Oh it's cold right here! Peter you have a jacket on switch me seats."

We switched seats so now I was sitting next to (y/n).
Who would of thought Ned, a match maker.

She smiled at me and I smiled back.

Ugh Shes so pretty!!

We all ate are food and Harry and Liz decided to go get ice cream by themselves.

"And then there were three." I said.

"Yes the original trinity! We haven't hung out like this in forever!" Ned said.

"Um actually I have to go." (Y/n) said looking a little awkward.

"No (y/n) stay! Please!!!" Ned begged.

Ned got a phone call "hang on (y/n) I'm going to persuade you stay right there!"

He walked away so he could hear the call.

"Hey. mom?"

I looked at Peter and we couldn't help it and we laughed.

"You do know what he's doing right?" (Y/n) asked.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"He's trying to get us back together." She looked down.

Your POV

Not that is was a bad thing but I know Peter doesn't like me since what happens with me and Harry.

"Yeah I know." He said

"It's wrong isn't it?" I laughed.

"What's wrong with it?"

He came up to me one inch away from my face.

I gave a deep breath.

"Nothing? When I kissed Harry I just thought you didn't like me."

He put his hands on my shoulders and backed up to look in my eyes.

"Yeah you're right. I don't like you."

I gave a small frown as I looked at my feet.

"I love you."

I looked up at him "what?"

"I know what happened with Harry made me sad so I thought you liked him so I let you figure out your feelings with him. I gave you space not because I didn't like you but because I love you."

"I love you too Peter but-"

He stopped me "no buts let's forget anything ever happened."

He leaned in and kissed me. I forgot how amazing it felt when he kissed me.

Just then I heard a scream of excitement behind us.

We both stopped kissing and looked behind us showing Ned with a big smile.

"I did it! FINALLY!!" He jumped up and down.

Peter looked at me "he did a pretty good job didn't he?"

I laughed and I wrapped my arms around his neck

"yeah he did."

He smiled at me and kissed me again.

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