Best Day Ever

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   "What Is he doing here?" Peter whispered to me.

I shrug my shoulders "I don't know."

Just then my dad walked over to me and gestured for me to get up.

I got up and so did Peter holding my hand.

"(Y/n) this is Harry. Mr.Osborn's son."

I looked at my dad "yeah I know we go to school together." I looked at Harry who looked awkwardly uncomfortable. "Hey Harry."

I smile crept onto his face "hey!"

Mr. Osborn looked at his son then at me and Peter "why don't you guys go have fun!?"

I laughed "I'm sorry Mr.Osborn but where?"

"Oh New York is a wonderful place." He handed me, Harry and Peter each $500. "Go do something fun!"

Me and Peter smiled widely at each other.

"Come on Harry let's go!" I grabbed Harry's hand and zoomed out the door.

"Um I'm gonna- yeah." Peter ran out the door as well.

When me and Harry reached outside we waited for Peter.

"Sorry I didn't know your dad was-"

"Tony Stark? Nah it's cool." I said bumping his shoulder with my hand.

He smiled. We stared into each other's eyes

"Okay guys I'm here-" Peter saw we were looking at each other and was jealous.

So Peter grabbed my hand and kissed my head. Making Harry uncomfortable.

"Okay since you're here Peter. I have an idea let's go ice skating in Central Park!"

Harry and Peter smiled "yeah that sounds like fun!"

They both said in unison causing me to laugh.

"Alright let's go!" I grabbed both of their hands and ran to Central Park.

"That'll be $9.00 each." The man at the booth said.

We gave him our money and I we put our skates on.

Harry looked at little uneasy so I walked over to him trying not to fall in the big clunky skates

I sat down next to him.

"Hey you feeling okay?" I asked

"Yeah it's just I don't know how to skate. My dad never really lets me go out often." He gave a little smile.

"Well I'll teach you." I said patting his leg and smiling.

"Hey you guys ready?" Peter said.

"Yeah actually is it okay if I help Harry skate? He's never done it before."

Peter looked jealous a lot jealous.

"Sure." He said bluntly and walked away.

I couldn't deal with his attitude right now especially when I'm trying to help a friend.

"Ignore him. He's just upset I won't be holding his hand." I said playfully.

Harry nodded his head.

We got up to the ice rink.

"Uh on second thought I don't want to do this."

"Oh come on Harry!" I said reaching for his hand "I won't let you fall."

"Okay but if you do I bringing you done with me." He joked.

I laughed "deal."

We started to skate and he was wobbling "you got it. You're doing good."

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