Ditch Day (Part Two)

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A/N: if you wanna be sad, when I give you 💔 play the song!

"You bet!" I yelled to Peter.

His smile turned into a frown when he saw Harry's hand on my shoulder.

Blaire kept him company though.

Ugh just the thought of her makes me wan to puke.

"What should we do (y/n)?" Harry asked.

"What did you and your dad do?" I asked

"We played frisbee and got hot dogs and ice cream and played soccer as well as biking."

He sounded like a little kid. It was adorable! Wait no I'm with Peter I can't think another guy is adorable! Right?

"Let's play frisbee!"

He nodded his head as I grabbed a frisbee lying on the ground.

We tossed it back and forth. Well he tossed it I kept throwing it above his head.

"Oh sorry!" I said to Harry.

"It's okay." He said throwing it again.

I turned to see Peter and Blaire talking on a bench.

What were they talking about?

"(Y/n) watch out!"

Suddenly a frisbee hit my head.

I fell to the ground being the way too over dramatic person I am

Harry ran over to me

"I'm-I'm so sorry (y/n)."

I rubbed my head and laughed "it's okay Harry."

I saw Peter run over to us.

"What did you do to (y/n) Harry!?"

"I-I just uh-"

I got up

"It's fine Peter. I'm fine it was an accident."

"Don't touch her." Peter said.

"O-okay." Harry nodded his head

"Harry don't listen to him."

I held Harry's hand.

"You're my girlfriend (y/n) not his." Peter said.

"Is that a threat?" I said letting go of Harry's hand and crossing my arms.

"(Y/n) it's fine really-" Harry said

I kissed right on the lips.

Harry's eyes were wide open when I stopped.

Peter winced.

I shouldn't have done that. But I did.

"If you are going to treat me like your property then go find someone else to be your girlfriend."

"(Y/n) I-" Peter couldn't finish the sentence and walked away so I wouldn't see him cry.

Why did I do that?

When I saw that Peter was gone I fell to the ground and cried.

"(Y/n) it's okay." Harry said hugging me.

"Harry I'm sorry I brought you into this. I ruined everything with Peter. I hate myself!"

"It's okay he'll forgive you (y/n)."

I shook my head "I've hurt him too many times I don't know if he'll ever want to be with me again."

Harry took me home and I thanked him.

I went to bed as soon as I got there and watched tv sniffing the whole time.

"Hey baby I got you some ice cream."

I turned to see my dad holding my favorite ice cream in his hand.

I smiled "thanks dad."

He walked up to my bed and sat on the edge.

"I know that fights are hard but you, you and Peter are one of the strongest couples I know. You'll get through this."

I shook my head "what if we don't?"

"you will I believe in you guys."

"Thanks dad."

He kissed me on the head and walked out.

Peter's POV

I put my spiderman suit on and whipped my way to (y/n)'s house

I looked into (y/n)'s room from a building across the street from hers.

It was dark but her light was on.

She was in her bed crying and eating ice cream.

I know she was mad at me. She wouldn't have kissed him otherwise.

She was trying to show me that she wasn't all mine. I get that. It still hurt.

I know she still loves me but part of me knows she has feelings for Harry.

I love her to death but I can't keep her locked up in my arms forever.

She has to see where this thing goes with Harry and if she doesn't come back to me she'll know I'll always love her.

Even if I have to ignore her for weeks or even months I need her to figure out her feelings and when she does I'll be right there with her.

I guess I know what the saying "if you love something set it free" means now.

I'll let her go but hopefully she will come back.

But I need her more than anything.

"I love you (y/n)." I said as I webbed away from her house.

I could feel the tears underneath my mask.

Did the song make it more sad? I felt like crying re-reading. I was like "WHY DID I DO THAT TO MY CHILDREN!?" 😂 Leave your answer in the comments.

Also How do you feel about Harry? Do you like him? Hate him? Don't really care for him? I think he's pretty chill. 😂 Leave your answer in the comments

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