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"How does Peter know her?" I asked Ned.

"Oh she used to go to school here she left right before you came here." Ned said.

"Why is she-"

"Satan? Well let's just say she threw a huge rock at my leg causing it to break just because she didn't like me hanging out with Peter."

I was shocked Ned is such a nice person why would anyone ever want to hurt him.

"Is Peter like oblivious to this?"

"Completely and totally. She turns into Satan when he's gone."

I shook my head.

"Did he ever...like her?"

"Oh no way! They were just good friends but she was and is obsessed with him."

"Huh. Well we should get to class."

"Yeah you're right." Ned grabbed his backpack and walked away "see ya later (y/n)"

"Bye Ned."

Just then I saw a kid with his books scattered across the floor.

I ran over to help him.

"Oh here let me help you." I said grabbing his books and handing them to him.

"Thanks I guess tying my shoe would've been a good thing to do." He laughed and put his hand out to me "I'm Harry. Harry Osborn."

(Harry Osborn in this story is Dave Franco)

I smiled at him "nice to meet you Harry I'm (y/n) Stark."

"Nice to meet you to (y/n) do you happen to know where chemistry 2 is?"

I smiled at him "I actually have that class now I'll walk with you."

"Awesome thanks." He said.

We both walked into the chemistry lab and I saw Peter staring at me. He looked a little upset.

I looked for a seat next to Peter but there was none by him.

"I'll sit with you Harry. I guess we're lab partners."

"I guess we are."

We both chuckled and Peter was fuming.

We got out of lab and me and Harry walked out of class.

Peter grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

"Who's that?" He asked sternly.

"That's Harry he's new here."

"Why were you with him?"

"Peter calm down! I didn't get this mad when you were taking with Blaire now did I!?"

His face turned to stone with realization.

"Were you mad at me?" He asked.

I shook my head "Ned told me all about her. Apparently she's Satan as Ned would say."

He laughed "yeah everyone thinks I'm oblivious  to that but I'm not I'm just nice."

"She really likes you I honestly think she would kill me to have you."

He put his arm around my shoulder "not on my watch." He kissed my temple "I'm Spiderman." He whispered.

I laughed. "You wanna come over for Monday night dinner tonight?"

"And hang out with you and the Avengers who could i say no!"

I smiled "awesome it starts @ 6:30 don't be late we don't need Bruce hulking out on us."

Peter laughed "I'll be early just in case."


School was over and I walked home.

"Hey dad! I'm home!" I said throwing my bag on the living room floor.

"Hey (y/n)!" Steve said.

"Oh Steve I didn't know you were here. Where's my dad?"

"Oh I don't know he just told me to come over for when you got home."

"Okay. What's up? How's Bucky?"

"He's good he's finally learning how to use an IPad."

I laughed "that's good. Are you guys coming over for dinner tonight?"

He walked over to me and gave me a big hug "wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Yay! Peter's coming over so behave unlike last time."

"What!? I just wanted to make sure he was right for you (y/n)."

I laughed at his sincerity "I'm joking Steve!"

"Oh haha." He said rolling his eyes

Just then I heard a knock on the door.

I opened it to see Peter "hey Pete! It's 3:30 you did t have to show up this early."

"Ha-ha funny. No I came over because I just realized I haven't seen you in 3 months I want to spend more time with you."

I looked at steve.

"Oh right I'll be In the kitchen." Steve left the room.

"Wanna watch Empire Strikes Back?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

We jumped on the couch and watched the movie and wasted time till it was time for dinner.

Everyone was here when I heard a knock on the door.

My dad got the door "ah Mr.Osborn I'm so glad you could make it!"

My eyes went wide and I turned to see Harry standing there with his dad.

What is he doing here!?

A/N: So I made Dave Franco, Harry because he looks younger then James Franco and is cuter in my opinion and there brothers so it made sense. 😂 Anyway if you liked this story give it a vote! It really makes my day! 😊

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