More Food!

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I got her to the hospital before I got their I took off my suit and hers. Thank God she had clothes under unless I would've got unalived.

"Hi uh my friend here she uh just passed out, out of nowhere and I didn't know what to do so I just brought her here."

"Okay don't worry kid I'll call the doctor."

She rang him up be just like that she was in a hospital bed.

I called Mr. Stark to tell him she was in the hospital and he was here in a flash.

We waited in the waiting room until a nurse came up to us.

"You are here for (y/n) stark right?"

"Yes. Is she okay?" I asked

"She's fine just didn't have enough protein I her but don't worry she's okay now."

"But she just ate right before we fought-I mean went to dance class."

Mr. Stark gave me a glare.

I'm not the great at excuses.

"Would you like to see her?"

"Yes please." Mr. Stark said.

We both walked in and she was laying in the bed smiling.

"Well déjà vu. Why am I always in the hospital." She laughed.

"Are you okay." I asked

"Yeah I'm fine. Just didn't have enough energy I guess. No pun intended."

"(Y/n) I think you might not have enough energy coming in then you do coming out." Mr stark said

"What do you mean. My powers?"

"Yes. You need to eat more. That's why we are in this situation. I should've know. No wonder Peitro always ate a ton of food."

"Fine by me I'm freaking starving."

When she was emitted out of the hospital we went to eat.

She ate almost everything in sight

"Do you think that's one of the reasons why her powers went away In the first place? Because she wasn't eating enough?" I asked Mr Stark

"I believe that was a possibility on why."

"Okay I'm full." She said ready to go home.

When we got to her house we went to her room and she locked the door with a smirk.

"So what do you want to do?" She said.

"I think I know what you want to do." I said smiling

She got really close to me an inch away from my face.

"Are you sure you want to?"

"let's do it." I said to her.

She jumped on the bed and I did the same as she turned on the tv to watch Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back.

"How many times have we watched this show this week?" She asked me.

"Probably about 8 times."

"Huh cool I guess it's 9 now."

She cuddled into my chest and I wrapped my hands around her while we watch the movie.

"Hey look the Walking Thingies!"

I looked at her "did your dad tell you about that?"

She chuckled


A/N: Okay guys I'm running out of ideas please please PLEASE HELP! Suggestions would be a great help!!

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