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Peter's POV

I saw the shooter walking down the street with a gun in his hand. I walked up to him.

"Excuse me buddy but I don't think guns are allowed at school."

He turned around "oh spider-man I'm so scared!" He said joking "not! Who has the bigger guns here huh?" He waved the gun in my face.

"Last time I checked my guns were pretty big." I said flexing.

Just then a blue light appeared from the side of the shooter.

He jumped down and I saw someone I never thought I'd see again.


How did she get her powers back? She had a huge smile on her face.

As she walked up to the man.

"Sorry pal that gun seems to be...broken." She waved her hand and electricity sparked through the gun.

She held her hand out to the man "take it away Spidey." She winked.

I grabbed the man and gave him to the police. After the everyone was calm and left for home I looked at (y/n) up and down.


"How what? How did I get my powers back?"

I nodded my head

"The thing is I don't really know I just got angry and poof! Their they were waiting for me to do something with them. Pretty cool huh?"

"Yeah sure sure." I said putting a fake smile on.

"Okay I know that look what's wrong?"

"Oh its uh nothing."

"Pet-um I mean Spidey you know you can tell me anything right?"

"Okay. I just liked when you were normal."

"So you don't like me now?"

"No that's not what I meant! I mean I liked when I could save you and you not be able to save yourself you know without me."

She clicked her tongue "oh so like the whole damsel in distress thing? You know even without my powers I can handle myself. And You know I'll always need you no matter what."

"I know it's just I feel Unuseful. Like you don't need me."

She pulled me Into an alley way and took of my mask.

"Peter do you really think I only like you for your powers?"

"Well I thought that was part of why you did."

She laughed "you do realize I liked you before I knew about your powers right?"

Oh yeah I guess she did.

"But I want to feel needed."

She grabbed my hand "Pete to me you will always be needed."


"Yes really."

She wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed me.

"I love you Peter Parker."

"I love you too (y/n)"

She smiled at me when all of a sudden she closed her eyes, her smiled dropped and she fell into my arms as she seized uncontrollably.

It was like she just completely blacked out.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Help!! Anyone please!"

I webbed us to a building

"don't worry (y/n) I'll get you to a hospital."

I don't even know what happened. It's like one moment she was here and the next moment she was...


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