Operation: Cupid

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Ned's POV

"It's been two days and (y/n) and Peter still haven't said a word to each other. I can't let this go on any longer. Operation: Cupid is a go!"

"Ned who are you talking to?" Peter said walking up to me.

"Um I'm clearly talking to my viewers duh!"

"Where?" He said looking around "we are in a school surrounded by...no one."

"You don't have vision! They're there you just can't see them."

"Okay whatever you say. Anyway I came over here because me and Liz and Blaire we're going to get pizza after school you want to come?"

"Hold the phone. Did you just say your ex-girlfriend and satan?"

"She's not Satan Ned, but yeah so what?"

"So what!? You're with (y/n)."

"Have you not been listening? We aren't together anymore."

"Oh they will be."

"Who are you talking to!?"

Just then (y/n) walked up to us.

Peter tried to run away but I grabbed his shirt forcing him to say hi.

"Hey Ned!" (Y/n) said pretty much ignoring Peter.

"Hey (y/n)!"

"So me and Harry were going to get pizza after school you want to come?"

Aha! I have a plan. The perfect plan.

"Hey Peter weren't you just asking me to come get pizza with you?"

Peter started shaking his head furiously then stopped and smiled when he saw (y/n) look at him.

"Oh um no no I wasn't?"

"Yeah you were! Hey I have an idea why don't we all go get pizza!? Me, Peter, you, Harry, Liz and Blaire."

(Y/n) frowned "oh um Liz and Blaire are coming?"

"Yeah? What's wrong with that (y/n)?" Peter said crossing his arms.

Oh no.

"Oh nothing I just-

"You don't like them?"

"No! No that's not what I was gonna say!"

"Oh so what were you gonna say huh?"

I jumped in "OKAY! (Y/n) bring Harry. Peter bring Liz and Blaire we will ALL get pizza TOGETHER. Do I make myself clear?"

They both looked down and nodded.


I was walking away when I heard them whispering.

"Don't think I'm going for you."

"Don't think I'm going for you either."

"You're so-"

"I can hear you!" I yelled.

They stopped whispering and turned red.

"See you there ." (Y/n) said angrily.

"Yeah see you there." Peter said angrily as they both stomped away.

Okay that could've gone better, BUT at least they're talking to each other! That's a start because two days ago they wouldn't even look in the same direction.

But I have to admit seeing them like this was kinda funny.

*Time Skip*

Me, Peter, Liz and Blaire waited outside the pizza shop for Harry and (y/n)

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