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A/N: Photo from the new trailer! ☝️☝️It was so good tell me what you thought about it!

"Dad! I'm going to school!" I yelled from across the room.

"And just yesterday you would've rather died than go to school. Something happen?"

I smiled at him " and Peter got back together."

He smiled and gave me a hug "that's amazing."

"Yeah. I gotta go can be late for school!"

He looked at his watch "but it's 6:30 class doesn't start till 8:00."

"Oh right. Well I'm just going to get breakfast then. Bye!"

I kept it short and ran out of the house. I walked a couple blocks when I saw spiderman jump down a building.

He pulled me into an alley way and took of his mask.

"Hey." He said with a smile


"How did you sneak passed your dad?"

I put my hands around his neck and he put his hands around my waist.

"Well I told him I was getting breakfast."

He smirked "and he believed you?"

I bit my lip "mmhm."

He pushed me up against the wall.

"Woah easy there Spidey."

He laughed as he kissed me.

I pulled him in closer and deepened the kiss.

He grabbed my waist tighter and I ran my fingers through his hair.

"You know my dad would kill you if he saw us like this?" I said in between kisses.

"Mmhm." He agreed still kissing me.

"Boooooiiii!!! Get her!" A girl said.

He quickly put his mask back on and looked to see a girl standing there clapping.

"Michelle!?" Peter moaned as he took off his mask.


This Michelle girl started busting out laughing

"Wait do I know you?" I asked Michelle politely.

"Um yeah we have Math together and science and history?"

"Oh I had No idea..and what you know about..." I pointed to Peter

She laughed "yeah I knew before you did and before Ned as well."

My mouth dropped "how!?"

"I'm just good at guessing." She smirked and walked away.

I turned to Peter and put my hands back around his neck.

"Now where were we?"

He smiled as he pulled me in for another kiss.

*Time skip*

We walked into school and saw everyone listening to the school intercom

"Now everyone stay inside till a teacher tells you otherwise we need to keep you safe. Thank you."

Me and Peter looked at each other in confusion.

I saw Harry and Liz looking at each other with worry.

I walked over to them "hey what's going on?"'

"A man is running ramped to every school and shooting kids every where." Harry said.

Liz was now crying.

I looked at Peter and pulled him aside "you need to go."

"I know but how? The police is practically barricading the doors?"

I turned to see if anyone was looking at us then I pushed him into the bathroom.

I grabbed his backpack and gave him his suit.

"You have powers! You have your suit! Go get him and take him where he belongs."

"Yeah you're right." He put on his suit and I gave him a thumbs up.

He walked out of the bathroom quietly and webbed to the ceiling.

I sat in the bathroom with my hands on my head.

I hadn't thought about my powers going away for a really long time but seeing him ready to fight crime just brought up the fact that they were gone.

I miss being able to fight crime and save people but now I can't and I wish they would come back.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing in the guys bathroom?" Ned asked walking in

I jumped up and wiped my tears away.

"Oh uh sorry."

I walked around him and opened the door.

"Wait! What's wrong?"

"Oh uh you know the whole shooting thing. Scary." I lied.

He knew it too "no it's not. I know you (y/n) you're not scared of anything! What's really wrong? And no lies!"

I let out a deep breath "I just want my powers back! I want to beat up bad guys and through electricity around! I want to be able to be Electra again!"

"Oh. Right."

I was really upset fuming almost. Not at Ned but at myself.

"You forgot didn't you? You forgot I was just like Peter! No one even remembers me and it makes me sad and-and angry!"

The lights exploded.

"Uh (y/n)? Did you do that?"

"I-I don't know."

I looked at my hands and they had blue light glowing on them.

"Cool." Ned said in awe. "I guess being mad sparked the electricity in you come back out"

I smiled "wow."

I knelt down and rummaged through my backpack.

"What are you doing?" Ned asked.

I picked up my suit that was in my backpack "I was saving this." I smiled and ran into a stall.

I opened the stall and saw myself standing in my suit.

I smiled at Ned "I guess anger isn't always a bad thing."

"Yeah tell that to the hulk."

I smiled and ran out of the bathroom.

"Okay Spidey I'm gonna surprise you. I'm gonna surprise all of them."

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