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I know a lot of people were kinda confused on the ending so let me break it down.

When (Y/n) and Peter first started college they were together but then in time things got crazy. (Y/n) got busy with her life and her passions and so did Peter.

They eventually were so far apart because of the paths they had chosen they decided to go separate ways. Not because they didn't love each other but because they needed to experience and explore their new lives.

So then Peter met M.J. And fell in like (not love) with her while (y/n) was caught up with school she didn't even care they were dating In fact she was happy for Peter.

They don't talk anymore, as you know from the last chapter, but they do still love each other and it will always be like that..

(Y/n) was a part of his life he would never forget and (y/n) won't forget Peter either.

I hope that cleared up that last chapter.

And also this was my first book so these characters (even though they aren't mine) are my babies and I wouldn't make their ending miserable! They are happy with their lives...also Ned is still friends with Peter and (y/n) but they don't all hang out together like they used to. 😊

Also 1k READS!! Yay thank you so much! I didn't think it would get this far! You guys rock! ❤️

(Keep on reading this book to get a happy ending)

Much love ❤️

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