Ditch Day (Part One)

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I woke up to my annoying alarm.

"Ugh stop! Need sleep!" I said pounding the snooze.

One day in and I'm already am done with school.

"(Y/n) get up!" I heard from the outside of my door.

"No I'm tired!"

"Hi tired I'm dad."

"Dad jokes are not your thing."

I got up and opened the door.

"Hey i earned the right for dad jokes when you were born now get ready for school. You don't want to be late."

"Yeah I do."

He rolled his eyes "just get ready."


I shut the door and threw on a t-shirt and pants and threw my hair in a bun.

I was way to lazy to look nice today.

"Should I do make up?...nah!"

I walked out of my room and stopped walking

"Okay maybe a little."

And by a little I mean everything I had in my bag.

"I don't want to look like I zombie now do I?"

"Wow you talk to yourself that's...adorable!"

I turned to my window and saw Peter in his Spiderman suit "oh look a bug."

"Haha. You ready for school?"

"Yeah are you?"

"Eh hey I have an idea let's ditch!"

"Peter Parker miss class? What would make him do such a thing?"

"Oh come on it's senior year it's not like we're learning anything new anyway."

"You make a good point little bug." I thought about it

The gave me praying hands "alright but as long as we take Ned And Harry as well."

"Harry? Why Harry?"

"I don't think really ever has fun because of his stuck up dad. Come on it'll be fun!"

"Okay I'll text Ned and you text Harry to meet us at the front of the school." Peter said.

"Okay now swing me away!" I said putting my arms out waiting for him to grab my waist.

Even though I couldn't see his face with his mask on I knew he was rolling his eyes.

"Drama Queen." He grabbed my waist and he shot me to the school while he ran Into an alley to get dressed.

I saw Ned walk up to me "hey Ned! What's wrong?"

"She wouldn't let me leave unless I brag her."

I was confused "who?"

Just then a girl popped up from behind him



"Blaire what do you want?"

"To chill with friends obvi."

Ew. She made me want to barf.

Just then Harry walked out of the school.

"Hey (y/n) what was so urgent I had to come see you?"

"That was just an excuse so you would come hang out with us...we're ditching school!"

His jaw dropped "I can't ditch my dad will go crazy."

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him right?"

He looked at Blaire "who's that?"

She pushed me and Ned out of the way.

"I'm Blaire. And you must be Harry Osborn! The richest kid in all of New York!"

"Um not true. (Y/n) here-" Ned began but I nudged him in the arm.

"She doesn't need to no that Ned." I said through my teeth.


Finally Peter came up to the school.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Parker! What's up?" Blaire said.

"Hey Blaire!" He gave her a hug

"I can't wait to spend all day with you! Well and your friends of course."

"Yeah I know it's gonna be fun."

I get that he nice and all but to Blaire the girl that would kill me for him! I don't get it.

I went over to Harry because Blaire was all over Peter.

"I think I'm gonna stay over here." I smiled at him.

"Fine with me." He smiled.

I felt my face get hot. Wait am I blushing!? No no no I'm with Peter I can't- someone interrupted my thoughts.

"You ready (y/n)?" Ned asked.

"Yeah I'm um im ready where to first?"

"Central Park?" Harry suggested

"Yeah that's a good Idea!" Peter said trying to ignore Blaire

We started to walk that way.

I linked arms with him "sounds like you've been there huh?"

"Yeah once when I was 10. The day after my mom died."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"No it's fine the day after my mom died was the best day of my life. It was the first time my dad treated me like his son and not a co-worker."

I felt bad for him. His dad didn't seem like the best dad in the world. His mom and my mom died when we were very young and I feel like we have a connection because of that.

"So what was your favorite thing about the park?" I asked him.

We started talking about his mom, my mom, fun things we have done and especially spiderman.

"Yeah spiderman is awesome. Do you ever wonder who's under the mask? I bet he's right under our nose and we jus don't see it." He said

"Yeah maybe."

"Alright guys!" Peter said from in front of us. "Ready for the best ditch day ever!?"

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