Chapter 4

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"Kai?" Cinder said standing in the doorway to Kai's room on the Rampion.

"Hmm?" Kai questioned, laying in bed, still half asleep.

"I- I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you. I can go..." she started to take a step down the hallway leading to the cockpit.

Kai sat up, he was worried about her, "No, Come here. What's wrong?" He gestured for her to sit on his bed. Cinder slowly walked over and leaned her back against the bunk bed frame. She didn't say anything, just buried her head in her hands. Kai stood up and hugged her close to him, "What's wrong, Cinder?"

She took a few seconds to answer but she eventually spoke," She killed you, Kai. I had a dream about Levana and she killed you. Scarlet. Wolf. Cress. Thorne, even Iko. All of you... gone. I know it was a dream, but stars. I don't know what I would do if she killed any of you. Especially you, Kai," Cinder took a deep, shaky breath.

"Hey... look at me," Kai pulled away just far enough to look at her face. He knew that If she could, she would be crying right now. He put his hands on her shoulders, "Cinder, nothing is going to happen to any of us-"

"You don't know that!" she was almost yelling, "At any time when we land on Luna one of us could be killed. Dead In seconds! And it would be all my fault!" Cinder took a long pause before continuing, "Everyone thinks I can make a difference... but what if I can't, Kai? What if-"

"Cinder, stop thinking like this! What matters most is that you are going to try. If people die it isn't your fault. Any person can decide that Luna's freedom is worth fighting for and it is not your fault that a person is willing to give up his or her life for freedom."

She stared blankly at Kai, "Okay... but-"

Kai cut her off mid-sentence, "Nothing, Cinder. But nothing. It's not your fault. It never has been, and it never will be."

"How can I not blame myself, Kai?"

"The same way I didn't blame myself for Levana's first attack a few weeks ago." Stars, i'm such a hypocrite I blamed myself for weeks and still do. What am I going to do? She can't actually believe that I didn't blame myself... can she?

"Fine," Cinder sighed, "I'm done blaming myself."

"Good. Now let's get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay," Cinder nodded her head not looking him in the eyes and started to walk away. Kai pulled her close to himself. She stared at him for a minute.

"You're going to lay with me tonight."

"But, Kai-" she started.

Kai drew Cinder her close to him and kissed her. His hands were on her waist, her arms wrapped around his shoulders. He leaned away slightly to look in her eyes, "Okay?" Kai said to her, unaware of knowing if she knew what he meant.

"Okay," Cinder seemed to understand perfectly clear.

He pulled her onto his bed and they lay down. Cinder's cyborg-metal hand and leg didn't bother Kai at all, though he thought they would make him feel uncomfortable. He hugged Cinder nearer to him and kissed her on the forehead. She curled up next to Kai getting even closer and, just once, kissed him on the lips. They then drift off into an effortless sleep.

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