Chapter 8

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"What did you do that for?" Thorne said angrily, was he was almost yelling too.

"Well what the hell was I supposed to do? We are not going to save Jacin! And we need to take Winter with us no matter what! Wolf can carry her, so I don't see what the big deal is!" Cinder yelled at her annoying travel companion.

"Cinder?... Not to be, you know, obnoxious or anything, but don't you think it might be a good idea to stop shooting people before the give you a definite answer?" Kai asked her.

"If this is about when I kidnapped you, you did say that you weren't coming with me and gave me no choice but to tranquilize you ... and she gave me a condition that was definitely not going to happen! So to answer your question, I do wait until the definite answer!" She shouts at him. She didn't have time for this, they needed to leave before more guards showed up.

“Okay! Fine! Do whatever the hell you want to do, Princess!” He practically spat the last words at her.

She was astonished, gaping at him. Her anger boiled to the surface, and just like a volcano, it exploded. “Don’t you dare call me that! You know I hate it when you call me that!” Cinder could sense the others are staring at them, listening to their argument,  but she didn't care, “You call me princess as if you don’t think I’m not stressed enough already! But you do, Kai! You know about it more than anyone else in this room, for stars sake!” A headache reminded her that she should be crying right now.

Cinder saw his face turn from anger into regret in a split second, “Cinder, I-I’m so sorry. You know I didn’t mean it right?”

“Sure, Kai. Whatever you say.” She was so hurt and angered by his words. She didn't want to forgive him, not just yet. Even though Kai deserved her forgiveness after he forgave her for not telling him the truth.

“No, Cinder, please… I didn’t mean anything by it. I-”

“You what, Kai! You feel stupid for being such an ass? Because that’s what you were doing!” He stepped closer to her, looking at her with a sadness in his eyes. She still didn't want to forgive him but she felt like he could, once again, see right through her.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Cinder,” he said lowering his voice.

Cinder sighed and hugged him. She decided to go against her better judgement and forgive him, ”I know.” She kissed him lightly on the lips then pulled away. But he leaned in against her and she couldn't resist putting her lips to his again, more fiercely this time.

“Ahem! Do you two need a room or can we continue with the mission?” Thorne asked interrupting them after about fifteen seconds.

“Shut up Thorne!” Cinder yelled at him and pulled away from Kai, but not too far away.



Thank you so much for 202 reads! It makes me so happy that people are enjoying my story. I am soooooo sorry that this chapter is so short. But hey, at least you got two of them today! Please follow/vote/comment! I want to hear what you think and if you have any ideas/recommendations about adding/fixing the story. I'm open to almost anything to make my story better!

~Princess Selene

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