Chapter 6

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There were guards everywhere pointing guns at their heads. Cinder estimated that there were about  40 guards. It seemed very unlikely that they will all make it out of this alive.

"Get on the ground, and no one gets hurt," said the guard nearest to Scarlet. " Now!" He yelled.

"I don't think you understand this situation..." Cjnder said angrily. The guard took the safety off of his gun, "None of you have a choice in what you do. You never have, and never will... unless you let us pass."

"What do you think th-" the guard started but then stoped because she was controlling him. She didn’t mean to, but the telltale sign of warmth moving away from the back of her neck told her that she was. Cinder doesn’t want to do this but she now knew she had to, otherwise they would kill them for sure.

"I don't think, I know..." She said, "Levana Isn't your true queen, I am. I am Princess Selene... Your 'queen' tried to kill me when I was only three years old. The only reason Levana tried to kill me was so she could claim the throne as her own. She uses every single person on this planet for her own selfish reasons... if you don't let us pass, you will never get your freedom back. And your shell children will continue to be murdered, along with anyone who tries to stop Levana,”

Cinder continued to glamour the guards as they walked away while shoving through them and running towards what they believed to be Princess Winter’s suite. They continue running until they reach a large wooden door. She paused then opened the door.

Cinder heard Princess Winter gasp, eyes bulged out of her head, from in a corner.


Dearest Lunartics,

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Keep reading,


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