About that night

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I was feeling a bit weird, I swear.

It was on a saturday night. I had nothing to do. No party, no sleepover, no family dinner or anything. I was just at home, laying in my bed, watching some crazy TV shows. At 10.30 pm, I was totally done with those TV shows. Plus, I wanted to go out and pick out some Oreo milkshake from Steak&Shake. So I took my car and I went out. I purchased my milkshake, but I still wanted to stay outside. That's why I took my car again and I went downtown, near Sunset Ave. This street is amazing whenever it's sunset. When I went there, there was no sunset, of course. It was dark everywhere unless under the street lights. It was a bit cold outside but I didn't pay attention because I wanted to walk.

I was eating my milkshake, starring at my feet when my head hit something. Well, it was more someone than something but anyway​. I started looking at what I just hit and I saw him. A tall brown guy wearing jeans and a hoodie even though it was really cold in here. He stared at me too and I could see his beautiful green eyes. At this moment, I wished I wouldn't be shy as everyday. But of course, I was. This guy impressed me so much that I couldn't say a word.

"Hey, you okay? You just walked into me" he finally said, keeping starring at me.

"Err... Fine" I replied. My answer was totally pathetic.

"I'm Corey" he said, smiling.

I didn't say anything so he added: "I won't go til you told me your name".

My cheeks got red. I was very nervous but I tried to hide it. It didn't work because I looked pathetic.

Thus, I walked back to my car to go back home, because I admit that it was freezing cold outside. As I was walking, Corey ran after me and caught my arm to stop me.

"Give me your phone please" he said.

I lifted my eyes up and started starring at his green eyes.

"I won't steal it, I swear." he added when he understood that I didn't want to give my phone. "I just want to give you my phone number... Just in case you wanna see me again".

Then, he winked and put his hand in his left pocket. When he put it out, I noticed a little piece of paper that he dropped in my hand.

"Just in case you wanna see me again" he repeated, smiling.

I nodded, took a deep breath and entered in my car to go back home.

That's how we met.

Je vous présente mon premier texte en anglais (enfin c'est le premier que j'écris, pas auquel je pense).
Comme je suis une âme charitable, je l'ai traduit dans le segment suivant, au cas où il y aurait des personnes qui ne parlent pas anglais. Je précise juste que en français, ça rend bien moins stylé et que c'est plus long (traduction oblige).
Sinon à part ça et bien, je voulais dire que perso, je trouve ce texte un peu pourri mais j'aime bien l'ambiance qui s'en dégage.


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