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"Taehyung ah! I'm home!" a loud voice called from the entrance.

"EOMMA!" the little boy squeaked, waddling as fast as he could to his mother.

"Oh mom, you're are home early" Taehyung beamed.

"Mhmm I was able to finish up early" she said picking up the small boy, giving him small pecks all over his cheeks.

"How was Daeul?" his mom asked, while squirmed excitedly in her arms.

"He was actually really good! Oh mom, can I go to Jimin's house?" Taehyung asked, looking at he clock.

"Oh ya of course! Make sure to be back before dinner though" she smiled. Taehyung nearly sprinted out of the house, so excited to play video games with his friends.


Taehyung knocked on the door for the fourth time and got no response. Thinking that they were too focused while gaming, he decided to check to see if it was unlocked, and it was.

He jogged up the stairs to Jimin's room and swung the door open, and stiffened at the presented sight.


Jimin focus
The door flung open and I nearly snapped my head off turning to see a dazed Taehyung. Jungkook didn't stop moving his hips and looked over to see Taehyung.

"Oh hey Tae you're early. Wanna join?" Jungkook asked casually, and Jimin unable to suppress himself, let out seductive moans, and started bouncing on Jungkook's dick again.

"A-ah u-um I'm- just gunna-" Taehyung fidgeted not knowing what to do in the awkward situation.

"Dude you clearly want to join" Jungkook  chuckled nodding at the tent that had formed in Taehyung's pants. Jungkook stopped moving and moved Jimin off of his length and put him on all fours.

"Come heree" Jimin said lustfully, eyeing Taehyung's tight pants.

"Uh, but-" Taehyung stuttered still unable to comprehend what was happening.  

"Tae tae give me your dick!" Jimin said impatiently, not in his right mind, and yelped as Jungkook shoved his dick in his ass from behind.

Taehyung's dick was throbbing and he broke under Jimin's lecherous gaze. He approached Jimin who was being pounded by Jungkook.

"G-give me" Jimin whined, his eyes half lidded and mouth hanging wide open, releasing seductive moans.

Taehyung took off his pants, revealing his rock hard member, Jimin's eyes widened. Jimin removed one hand that was propping him up from the bed, and gripped onto his dick.

Jimin rubbed it a bit before he shoved it into his mouth. Taehyung flinched at the sudden warm and squishy sensation.

Jimin was losing his mind being penetrated in both sides, and he was extremely turned on, as he had been fantasizing about having a threesome.

Jimin rapidly bobbed his head back and forth, taking in Taehyung's whole length. Taehyung, feeling hot in his lower abs, began to thrust into Jimin's mouth, making him gag.

"J-jiminie... I'm gunna c-cum" Taehyung uttered, trying to remove his length from Jimin's mouth, but Jimin had tightly wrapped his arm around Taehyung's legs.

"Mmm cwum ihn mwy mouf" Jimin said, his voice muffled, the vibrations making Taehyung shudder.

Jungkook was also reaching his climax and uped his pace.

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