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"So is that your boyfriend?" Lisa mused, standing behind the cash register, ringing up the boy's check.

"Um no we're not dating" Taehyung murmured, fumbling with his wallet. Lisa steadily looking upon the solemn boy.

"Eyyy no way you guys definitely look like a couple! Oh! Are you guys fighting? I might be out of place to say this, but you guys look great together! So cute" Lisa nearly squealed, joyous of her new secret ship.

"Well kind of... and do you really think so?" Taehyung looked up, eyes sparkling.

"Oh god yes! I really hope it works out for you. Honestly, you're so handsome anyone would fall for you! Oh you can ask your noona for advice whenever!" Lisa giggled, stating her point proudly, Taehyung slightly bowing his head blushing at her compliments.

"Actually can I ask you something then?" Taehyung said.


"Um can I help you?" Jimin stared back at the stranger who had broke his train of thought.

"Oh I just wanted to help you plus you're a cutie" the older male chuckled.

"If you're trying to hit on me, I'm not interested at all" Jimin hissed.

"Ah no no you just remind me of my boyfriend" the other chuckled.

"So?" Jimin said uninterested.

"Sooo. I thought I should help you since you just fought with someone you like right? Aish just like my boy bacon" he laughed, "My name is Chanyeol nice to meet you" Chanyeol smiled warmly.

Jimin looked over at the counter where Taehyung stood conversing with Lisa. He sighed and looked back at the stranger with somewhat of a hopeful gaze.

"I'm Jimin. But don't try anything funny mister" Jimin broke the tension, showing a small grin.

"I know it's rude to eavesdrop on other people's conversation, but you guys seem to have no sense of volume" Chanyeol informed, Jimin returning a slight head nod, taking note to be more cautious.

"From what I understand, you were just trying to tease him right? Silly amateur mistake. Also kid, don't be going around flirting with other guys, us boyfriends hate seeing that" Chanyeol clicked his tongue, speaking from experience.

"I'm not a kid!" Jimin pouted, but Chanyeol simply disregarded the boy and continued his "lecture".

"But hey, if he reacted so rashly like he did, doesn't that kind of prove that he has feelings for you too? You should just be more honest and not so narrow minded. And young boy, I promise you, with those looks, he's going to get snatched up real quick, so you'd better hold on tight alright?" Chanyeol grinned, taking a sip of his lukewarm coffee.

Jimin looked up at Chanyeol with a look of realization and once again he glanced over towards the counter. He locked eyes with Taehyung who was strutting his way towards him. 

"Ah it's Tae Tae" Jimin gawked.

"Alright kid, take care" Chanyeol chuckled, he got out of his seat and briskly walked towards the exit of the restaurant.

Taehyung approached them and stared at the taller male with distaste, then reverting his attention to Jimin.

"Can we talk-" Taehyung started, but before he could complete his question Jimin cut him off.

"I'm sorry! I was wrong for teasing you like that. I said I could get anyone, but I don't want anyone but you Taehyung" Jimin got up and tightly wrapped his short arms around Taehyung's waist, snugly tucking his head into the latter's chest.

Taehyung stood dumbfounded, completely forgetting his advice from Lisa:

"Ah. You should just be more direct and confess already! If you like him and he likes you already, then of course you should tell him how you feel" Lisa said handing Taehyung his card and receipt with an excited smile.

"You're right, huh. Thanks so much noona" Taehyung beamed as he toe turned and bee lined over to Jimin.

"Aish he's so cute. I ship them so hard" Lisa giggled, very excited that she was able to keep her new ship together.

"Ah Jiminie, lets go talk somewhere hm?" Taehyung said grabbing Jimin's shoulders, showing a warm smile.

"Mmk" Jimin agreed.


The two of them sat next to each other, shoulders connected, under a vibrant sakura tree. The serene park was decorated with all sorts of blooming trees and plants.

The soft wind smoothly passed through their hair, and the morning birds chirped and sang harmoniously.

"So I wanted to tell you something. But first off, I'm sorry for going off on you earlier" Taehyung said facing towards Jimin, grasping Jimin's hands.

"Ah no it's my fault for teasing you" Jimin mumbled, blushing at the awkward closeness and gentle touch.

"And what I wanted to tell you was that...um...I guess I kind of like you. Ah no I really like you" Taehyung spoke confidently taking advice from his noona, looking upon Jimin who had his head down, eyes glued to the paved ground.

"W-well I don't like you. Pabo" Jimin uttered, Taehyung sat speechless, taken aback from the unexpected response.

Taehyung noticed how the boy stubbornly refused to look up at him. He slowly moved his eyes to the tips of Jimin's ear, which were glowing bright red.

"Jiminie? Are you crying?" Taehyung teased, knowing that that was not the case.

"No I'm not!" Jimin retorted, now locking eyes with the latter, showing his beet red cheeks.

"You don't like me? Well even if you don't, from now on, I won't stop liking you" Taehyung proclaimed, waiting for Jimin to not be so stubborn and speak up.

"Aish! You know I like you a lot pabo!" Jimin rambled as he threw weak punches at Taehyung's chest.

"Haha you're so cute" Taehyung murmured, before tilting Jimin's head up and swooping in for a sweet kiss. Jimin's balled up fists loosened and instead of hitting him, he gripped onto Taehyung's shirt.

They parted lips and fell into one another's strong gaze.

"Don't even try and look at other guys, even Jungkook since...You're mine, Park Jimin" Taehyung said, slightly embarrassed at what sounded like a proposal.

"Ok then~ I'm yours, Kim Taehyung" Jimin giggled in joy, proud that he was finally able to be with the one he loved.

"Since it's still early in the day, do you want to go on a date?" Taehyung mused.

"Yes! Of course! I've always wanted to go on one, with you" Jimin smiled shyly, feeling somewhat nervous, as he had never had an actual "boyfriend".

Taehyung smiled at the cute boy and stood up briskly, reaching his hand out toward Jimin. Jimin simply obliged, grasping his partner's hand as they started walking towards their next  destination.


Hi lovelies! Thank you so much for reading and voting, I really appreciate it!
Ilyyy 💕

Hi lovelies! Thank you so much for reading and voting, I really appreciate it!Ilyyy 💕

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