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"Yah we said we would help each other but can you stop ranting about Bambam. I really couldn't care less to be honest" Jimin said twirling his straw around with his finger.

"Ah sorry about that" Jackson chuckled.

"Ya you'd better be sorry. Thanks to you, I can go get my masters in Bambamology for fucks sake. Anyway, help me" Jimin said sarcastically.

"Well I actually have no idea how to help you. I just thought it would make you feel better by saying I would" Jackson said honestly, Jimin cocked his head up sharply.

"Are you kidding?" Jimin sighed and got up from the table about ready to storm out of the cafe.

"Omoo are you guys having some trouble?" a familiar voice cooed from behind Jimin.

"Oh hey guys what's up?" Jackson said dragging out the chair next to him, motioning for the boys to sit down.

Jimin spun around to see Jungkook and Yugyeom standing there with goofy smiles.

"This is not what it looks like I swear I hate Jackson" Jimin said immediately, ignoring Jackson who was complaining behind him.

"Jimin I'm not an idiot, I've known you long enough to know that you're obsessed with Tae. Sit down and let's talk shall we?" Jungkook laughed as he sat at the chair placed next to Jimin's. Yugyeom following and sitting next to Jackson.


"Are you even sure that's going to work?" Jimin asked nervously twirling his thumbs.

"Eyyy I'm 100% positive" Jungkook assured.

"Yah what about me?! I'm not a fucking bottom! I can't be doing shit like that" Jackson grumbled.

"Jackson I legit told you what to do" Yugyeom said smacking the back of his head.

"Well isn't confessing too plain? Like you do know that Bambam is a hoe right?" Jackson retorted grabbing the back of his hand where he was hit.

"Aish Bambam is always trying to make you jealous. You're just so slow" Yugyeom yawned.

"Ok then we're going now Jackson. I already told Bambam we're meeting up. Come on" Yugyeom said grabbing the collar of Jackson's hoodie.

"NO! I'm not ready!!" Jackson said flailing his arms and Yugyeom couldn't stop laughing.

"I'll talk to you later Jungkookie~" Yugyeom waved at Jungkook who was warmly smiling at the boy.

"Well then. How about you?" Jungkook said turning his attention to Jimin.

"What about me?" Jimin asked leaning back in his chair.

"Oh don't try and get out of this Park Jimin" Jungkook said crossing his arms.

"But what if he hates me after" Jimin whined.

"Trust me, I know a thing or two about Tae's kinks" Jungkook giggled.

"That's not fair" Jimin pouted.

"And also, you're forbidden from having sex with anyone besides Tae" Jungkook stated as he took a sip of Jimin's coffee.

"What?!" Jimin yelled, shooting up out of his seat.

"Oh sit down. Listen, if you like him and you want to date him, you shouldn't be sleeping with other people. And don't come to me either. Cuz I'm not having sex with you anymore" Jungkook calmly explained.

"Waeeee is it because you like Yugyeom? Wow I'm so shook" Jimin said now laying his head on the table.

"Mhmm. You'd better get going with Tae then" Jungkook mocked the sulking boy.

"Ok watch me!" Jimin sat up and clicked a few icons on his phone before putting it up to his ear.

"Hey Tae Tae~ do you want to come over tonight?" Jimin hummed cutely, but glaring at Jungkook, who was struggling to contain his laughter.

"Oh ya. I was actually just about to text you" Taehyung responded giddily through the phone.

"Mmm ok see you tonight Tae Tae" Jimin said and hung up.

Jungkook immediately burst into laughter after Jimin's hung up.

"What? You're the one that was pestering me!" Jimin answered Jungkook's outburst.

"You're just so petty. Do you even know what you guys both did yesterday?" Jungkook spoke in between laughs.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked, brows furrowed.

"You had sex with Jackson, and Tae had sex with Bambam. The irony is so painful" Jungkook said, clutching his abs from laughing too hard.

"Wow, so he really went and fucked that hoe" Jimin said now furious, thinking about last night when Taehyung sat underneath Bambam who was grinding as they were making out.

"Too bad you're a hoe too and fucked another dude last night. Such a shame" Jungkook said sarcastically as he fake cried.

"I don't know if you're trying to help me or if you're just teasing me" Jimin quipped eyeing the hysterical boy.

"Aw you know you're like a brother to me Jiminie. Saranghaeyoo~" Jungkook teased.

"Aw...I hate you too" Jimin replied as he got up.

"Ah don't leave me baby!" Jungkook said jokingly, following behind Jimin who was stomping away.


Jimin fidgeted in front of his full body mirror wearing the attire that Jungkook gave him.

"Fuck you Jeon Jungkook" he mumbled to himself as he played with his outfit.

Jimin wore a fluffy tan halter crop top and had matching poofy tan shorts that had a cute pink bow at the front, and he had on white tights that went up to his mid thigh. On his hands, he hand large light brown and pink paws. At his neck, he had long light pink bow collar that flowed down to his belly button. And to top it all off, he had a tan headband that had fluffy bear ears attached to it, one ear with a small little bow.

"JIMIN! I'm leaving!" Jimin's moms voice boomed from downstairs before she slammed the door on her way out. Jimin finally felt relieved as he was home alone and wouldn't get caught dressing in such a lecherous outfit.

"Why does he even own these..." Jimin continued to mumble to himself, as he checked himself in the mirror.

"But I mean... I actually look kind of really good" Jimin complimented himself while showing his butt in the mirror and trying different poses.

"Um did I come at the wrong time" someone asked from the door, and Jimin jumped up scared by the sudden voice.

"Oh my god...Tae you scared the shit out of me. How did you even get in" Jimin said hastily trying to cover his half naked body.

"You're mom let me in on her way out" Taehyung responded, turning away as the second hand embarrassment was too much for him.

"Um well this is awkward" Jimin said, then looking down to Taehyung's crotch area noticing his erection.

"Y-ya, should I wait d-downstairs?" Taehyung stuttered.

"What? No. You like this right?" Jimin said, completely changing his attitude. He was eager to make Taehyung his own, and was willing to expose himself in the process.

"Play with me... hyung~" Jimin cooed, and Taehyung stiffened at the nickname.

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