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Taehyung sat uncomfortably in the middle of the big, messy bed, butt naked. His train of thought was interrupted when the bedroom door creaked open.

"Oh Taehyungie how was it?" Jungkook asked with a big, innocent smile, while holding a bag of Banana Kick.

"It was the best sex I've ever had" Taehyung mumbled carelessly, his ears heating up again imagining the scene.

"Haha I know right? Jiminie is honestly the best" Jungkook laughed as he munched on the chocolate snacks.

There was an awkward silence that was filled with the crunching of snacks coming from Jungkook's mouth.

"Do you want to put some clothes on, or-?" Jungkook asked, gulping down his food.

"Oh! Ya! Sorry" Taehyung shuffled off the bed covering his lower half and grabbing for his pants.

"You don't have to cover up Tae, we literally just had a threesome, so I've kinda seen it all" Jungkook giggled, making his way to the couch placed in front of the large tv.

"Hah, you're right" Taehyung laughed lightly.

"Now, lets play! Hurry hurry!" Jungkook whined, bouncing on the couch. Taehyung just smiled at the cute boy and went to sit next to him, still shirtless.

"By the way, do you guys do this all the time?" Taehyung blushed, while grabbing a controller.

"Mmm I don't, but Jiminie does. He is so in love with having sex, and he does it almost everyday with someone different, if it's not me" Jungkook spoke nonchalantly while flipping through the different games.

"Wow, how did I not even know this?" Taehyung asked dumbfounded.

"Well you're so slow, so I was gunna tell you, but Jiminie-" Jungkook said, but was silenced when the bathroom door harshly swung open.

"Lets play!" Jimin said nearly screaming with a blinding smile spread across his face. He came out with a large white baggy tshirt hanging from his shoulders and underneath he wore red shorts. He walked over to the two boys who sat in front on the tv, nudging Jungkook to scoot over.

"Aish! Go away! You're still drenched, go dry your hair!" Jungkook scolded the latter. Jimin moped back to the bathroom while mumbling under his breath. Taehyung couldn't help but to laugh at the boy's cute reaction.

"Jiminie! Hurry up or we're gunna start without you!" Taehyung teased, giggling with Jungkook.


Hours passed and the boys were starting to get tired.

"Eyyyy I don't want to play with Kookie anymore" Taehyung complained, rolling around on the floor after being defeated for the nth time.

"Yah! Taehyungie we can't give up!" Jimin said as he aggressively mashed the buttons on the controller.

"You guys actually suck so bad" Jungkook yawned, while he casually hit different buttons on his controller.

"You Lose!" the tv sounded when Jungkook quickly claimed his victory in Mario Kart.

"Chim chim we can't win, we've played like four different games and lost to him at every single one" Taehyung fake cried into the floor.

"Ugh whatever I give up too then" Jimin said diving into his bed.

"Kookie is a cheaterrr!" Taehyung whined and started flailing his arms, still laying flat on the floor. Jungkook glimpsed at the clock that hung from above Jimin's desk.

"Oh dude it's already 7. I have to go" Jungkook said as he got up stretching his arms upwards. 

"Ehhh already? I have to go too then" Taehyung groaned sitting up.

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