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Taehyung woke up from a peaceful nights sleep, to be welcomed by a cute boy sleeping soundlessly next to him.

Jimin had his arms snugly wrapped around Taehyung's torso. All Taehyung could do was smile helplessly at how adorable the latter was.

"Ngh..oh Tae Tae you're awake already" Jimin said groggily, shifty closer to Taehyung's chest.

"Mhm" Taehyung hummed, combing his lengthy fingers through Jimin's soft hair.

"I'm so hungry" Jimin whined, looking up to meet Taehyung's gaze. If anyone were to see them in the state they were in, they would assume that they were a couple.

"Hm? Want to go out for breakfast?" Taehyung asked, wiggling out of Jimin's hold, to get up and stretch out.

"Yes pleaseee" Jimin said giddily, rolling out of bed. As he got up, he winced at the immense soreness that radiated throughout his lower back.

"Are you ok?" Taehyung raised a brow, examining Jimin who was gripping his shoulder.

"Hah. You're just so...big to be honest" Jimin giggled shamelessly.

"Oh? Why thank you?" Taehyung chuckled as they both shuffled towards the bathroom to get ready.


The two boys decided to go to iHop for breakfast. They entered the restaurant chatting endlessly about their favorite idols, until a waitress came to get them to an empty booth.

The restaurant was pretty crowded in the morning, so they were seated at a two seater, right next to a middle aged gay couple and a family of five.

They silently flipped through the menu, until deciding what they wanted to order.

"By the way Jiminie, where in the world did you get all of that stuff?" Taehyung mused while playing with his utensils.

"Oh, Jungkook gave them to me. He said you would like it, and it looks like you did" Jimin smiled innocently, slightly adjusting his bangs.

"Hmmm...also why did you call me hyung?" Taehyung further questioned.

"Well of course Jungkook told me about that too. Actually, now that you bring that up, I didn't know you had a hyung kink? Don't you also have an oppa kink?" Jimin raised a brow, amused with Taehyung's many kinks.

"He was supposed to keep it a secret" Taehyung pouted.

"Yah. Don't forget I told you I like you. You'd better not have any secret with any other boys" Jimin said unamused.

"Haha, but Jungkook is our friend? And also we're not dating Jiminie~" Taehyung mocked the latter.

Jimin planned a comeback, but the waitress swiftly interrupted them.

"Hello! Welcome to iHop. Sorry for the wait! What can I get for you two today?" the young girl smiled, holding up her notepad ready to take orders.

"Hello, uh, Lisa, can I get the bacon and egg breakfast combo please" Taehyung said peering at the girls name tag, shining a bright smile at the waitress, in hopes to make Jimin jealous.

"Ok. How would you like your eggs?" Lisa said scribbling on her notepad, clearly head over heels for Taehyung.

Jimin impatiently sat, leaning against his chair, arms crossed, and his foot tapping on the floor.

"He'll have scrambled, and I'll have strawberry banana French toast. Thanks. Lisa" Jimin glared at the waitress, who was taken aback by the sudden order.

"Um, ok. What would you like to drink?" Lisa disregarded the glare, and properly asked.

"I'll have strawberry lemonade" Taehyung spoke, making sure to not meet eyes with Jimin.

"I'll have milk" Jimin said blandly, and Taehyung tried so hard to suppress his laughter.

"Ok! I'll bring out your drinks in a moment, and your meals should also be out soon!" Lisa enthused, before taking one more good look at the handsome boy, and then she quickly went over to the kitchen to report their orders.

"HAHA milk?! You're so cute Jiminie" Taehyung laughed out loud, while Jimin pouted.

"What? I just wanted to drink some milk! Screw you idiot" Jimin hissed.

"Aw it's ok chimchim I think you're cute, shouldn't you be happy?" Taehyung continued to tease Jimin.

Soon enough, Lisa brought their meals to their table. As they ate, they continued to bicker nonstop.

They quickly finished up their meals and sat waiting for the check.

"Yah. I won't like you if you keep acting up Tae. I can get guys whenever I want, so don't get ahead of yourself because you aren't that special" Jimin retorted.

"Oh? Like Jackson?" Taehyung asked casually.

"Are you fucking serious. At least I didn't fuck a loose asshole like Bambam's, you probably didn't even feel anything" Jimin said sarcastically and oh so shamelessly.

"Oh my god wow. Honestly, I don't even know how that happened" Taehyung said slightly embarrassed, and Jimin suddenly thought of getting some revenge.

"Actually, now that I think about it, I might like Jackson a lot more than I like you...maybe I'm just so addicted to sex? I mean you're ok, but Jackson is so hot and he's also sooo good in bed" Jimin said tapping his chin.

In response, Taehyung unconsciously tensed up, wincing at the idea of Jimin with Jackson. Taehyung really couldn't deny his feelings for Jimin, and was very happy when Jimin confessed to him.

"Fine. Do whatever you want. You probably only like me for sex anyway" Taehyung said in an irritated tone.

"Ya you're probably right" Jimin said staring at his nails, continuing his revenge, forgetting his original motive of getting Taehyung to like him, so they could date.

"What the fuck Jimin. So you don't even like me? Do you just tell everyone you have sex with that you like them and just seduce them? Also, how can you make fun of Bambam when you've been around just as much as him. And here I thought you actually liked me. I guess you only want sex in any type of relationship" Taehyung said gritting his teeth.

"Wha- No I was just teasing you. Chill out. I-" Jimin said hastily.

"Hah.. it's fine. We can just forget that any of this happened and go back to being friends" Taehyung forced a heartless smile, before getting up and walking over towards to front desk to pay.

Jimin sat hopelessly staring at the table, scolding himself for being so careless, until he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

He looked up to meet eyes with an attractive man who looked to be a college student. The male had sat with his legs crossed and had his body facing towards Jimin, ready to start a conversation.

Jimin raised a brow, slightly irritated from being interrupted from his train of thought, but patiently waited for the latter to speak.

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