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"AT THE MOVIES GUYS! IN THE FRICKIN BATHROOM" Jungkook said, banging the table with one hand and with the other clutching his stomach from laughing so hard.

"Wooow, you're kidding" Hoseok gasped, shaking his head.

"Yah, is this why you brought everyone together? To talk about how Taehyung and Jimin can fuck anywhere? Like we already know that and at the movies isn't even a big-" Namjoon said, until he was jabbed in the gut by Jin's sharp elbow.

"Oh ya so when are the lovebirds going to get here?" Jin smiled innocently, as Namjoon groaned and slouched down, lying his head against the table.

"Hmm? They should be here soon. Maybe caught up fucking in the middle of the street" Jungkook said, obviously having way too much fun.

"Shut up coconut head!" someone said from behind Jungkook.

"Ah speak of the devils" Yoongi said, laughing at Jungkook's nickname.

"Plus I bet Jungkook did some good stuff with Yugyeom too" Jimin retaliated, snaking his arms around Taehyung's arm as they both approached the table.

"Oh lord. Ya sure, but we didn't fuck though" Jungkook responded, ready to blast off comebacks, but Taehyung spoke before he could.

"Anyway! We're holding send off party for you guys" Taehyung said excitedly, examining the faces of his clearly doubtful hyungs.

"Why do you guys look confused as fuck?" Jungkook hummed, leaning his chin into his palm.

"I mean you three can't plan or prepare anything for anyone for your lives. You guys are like the three stooges" Namjoon said plainly, regaining color in his cheeks, recovering from Jin's vicious, life threatening gut jab.

"Oh please God of Destruction step back" Jungkook said, chest puffed up as he was proud of his 'joke'.

"Surprisingly, the only reliable one out of you three is Jimin" Jin said, looking at the trio, completely disregarding Jungkook.

"WHAT?! But I'm a freaking genius!" Jungkook outraged, somewhat sarcastically.

"No. You're an idiot. And I'm the genius" Yoongi said almost immediately, making the group of boys cackle.

"So when's the party?" Hoseok asked, getting back on topic.

"Uhhhh? Tomorrow?" Jungkook said, looking up, trying to remember what they had planned on.

"What even Kook-ah. We planned for next week after they freaking graduate" Jimin shot at Jungkook, face palming at his lack of memory.

"Ohhh that's cool. Damn I am not ready for college" Namjoon sighed, his peers all nodding in agreeance.

"Welp. That's all we needed to say, soo see ya around hyungs" Taehyung smiled, grabbing Jungkook and Jimin, dragging them away.

"Aigoo! Those kids, they could've just texted in the group chat" Jin hissed at the three who had already scurried away.

"Eyyy whatever. We can just hang out for today" Yoongi said, playing with an odd toy.

"Yoongi. I've been wanting to ask for a while now, but what the fuck is that thing. It's lowkey pissing me off" Namjoon said, pointing at the toy twirling on Yoongi's finger.

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