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I hate boys.

Not just any type. Every type. I hate boys of every type. I hate the existence of boys. Why are they even born? To hurt. Right, to hurt humans.

I hate my brother, I hate my dad, I hate my uncle, so much up to the boys in my house to the boys in my school to the all human being who are men's in this world.

I just hate boys in general.

I know you might be thinking, "this girl has so much ego'". Well, you assume too fast.

I have reasons as to why I hate men's. Main reason? My family. My brother who thinks he is the god of this world, but if only someone could tell him how much of a devil he is.

How much I wish, that someone, someone in his world could tell him how much of an 'ass' he is. How much of a freaking jerk, stupid jerk he is.

It hurts. I act tough, but it hurts.

It hurts when your mom gets treated like shit in front of you. It hurts seeing your brother harass your mom like she is the slave of the house. It hurts when all you hear at your home is yelling, screaming, crying, throwing objects around, and even throwing people like they are object.

It hurts when the only conversation between your parents are about getting divorce. It hurts seeing your dad yell at your mom for being dumb, uneducated, ugly, plain stupid and looking sympathetic. It hurts knowing that your dad never loved your mom, knowing that it was an arranged marriage. It hurts when you see your mom begging your dad to side with her.

It hurts when your dad is weaker in front of his own son. When he stutter to say even the littlest of word. It hurts when your brother control your parents. It hurts when your brother acts like the wealthy person talking to a poor kid with disgust in his eyes. Yes, that's the exact look he gives mom.

It hurts when you are never good enough for your family. When the only thing you get from dad is his complain, complains about how you are not good at school, even when you have all A's. How you are not good because you get second place, because first place is always that shitty boy named Jungkook. That's why I hate him to death. If he wasn't alive, then my dad won't complain to me about how I'm not good enough. If Jungkook didn't exist, I would be the school topper, being in first place.

Then, if only then maybe my dad will talk to me about something else, something other then being better than Jungkook. I'm so tired of being compared with him. I'm on my 2nd year of high school. But since the 1st year, every single day has been horrible. Every single day I get compared to him. I admit, he's freaking good at everything, but this year, I'll get first place. I can't let him win this year.

But most of all, It hurts when your brother is a playboy. Seeing him go out to parties every night. Coming home drunk, with girls in his arms. But even when he's in the freshest mind, he still brings different girls every time he comes inside.

Yelling at mom for getting into his sight. He makes his way into his room, puking through the wooden hallway. But guess who cleans all the vomit? Right, mom. She cleans the hallway every night while shedding tears. I hear it, I hear it all because my room is next to his. I hear my mom sobbing, trying to clean the floor but in vain, when her tears keeps blurring her vision.

It hurts when people don't realize, just how hurt you are. They don't realized how much of pain you're in. They don't see the impact of your controlling brother is doing to you, your mom, your whole family. They don't see what's going on inside your house.

It hurts when you witness everything, but can only do so much as nothing.

It hurts when your brother is, Park Jimin.


(I just wanna know how you came across this story?)

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