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"Jiyeon~ah," Hoseok cooed, as he and 5 other guys enter the house. One of which included Jungkook.

"You!" You yelled, looking at Jungkook, Confused over why he's over at your home, yet again. "Why are you here again?"

"Oh.. um.. I-" Jungkook stuttered.

"They were over at my house, so we all decided to come." Hoseok explained.

"Wha- hose- does-" You stuttered "ugh," You said as you let out a big sigh. Feeling defeated, you let them in. Does my house look like a hang out place to them?

All jungkook could remember when coming to your house was what happened when he first came to your house. When he saw you in that state. Right, a quick seek.

No, don't get him wrong. he wasn't trying to act like a pervert. But, he just couldn't get rid of your form from that day. He was embarrassed him self, as he couldn't get the hold of him own mind, constantly remembering that scene in his mind.

~ ~

"Jiyeon~ah, let me use your phone to search something?" Hoseok asked.

"You have your own!" You said.

"I don't have wifi." Hoseok said, so you handed him your phone without a second thought.

"What, why is my name save as Hoseok? Call me Hobie from now on." Hoseok said.

"I don't do 'cute' nickname," You rolled your eyes.

"Then I don't do the 'group' project,"

"I never asked you to come anyway."

"Fine, fine." Hoseok, feeling defeated. "Let's go get ice cream." He randomly said.


"Yes, let's go" Jin said, and then the whole boys agreed. You guys have been working on the project for 2 hours, it wasn't bad of an idea at all. But, you wanted to distance from self from them. So you said no again.

"Oh, come on." Taehyung said, trying to drag you out of your place.

"Right! Lets freshen our mind with some ice cream." Namjoon said.

"Let's go hyung." Jungkook, dragging jimin. Since when did they became so close?

But something you failed to noticed was, Jimin was actually really happy to be around these boys.

~ ~
You were actually very annoyed to be around these boys.

Especially because they couldn't decided on a ice cream flavor.

"Vanilla, please." You asked. And the lady handed you the vanilla ice cream that you wanted.

You and 7 other boys started walking down the sidewalk. Ofcouse you all didn't fit side by side. You were walking with Hoseok and Taehyung.

But it's funny, in the beginning of the story, you were told that you hate boys, but right now at this very moment, you were enjoying your walk with a ice cream cone on your hand, and with 7 boys. It was weird.

It's not that you have changed your mind, it's not that you stopped hating boys. It was just the situation you were in. It just happened that you were stuck with 7 boys with you, and you didn't hate their existence.

"Jiyeon, you can never be ice cream," Taehyung said. You gave him a confuse look "Because you're too hot."

You would be lying if you didn't laughing. It was actually quit funny.

"Jiyeon~ah," You heard, the way it was said, sounded like hobi, no I mean Hoseok. But your ears told you it was Jungkook. To your surprise, it was indeed Jungkook.

Why he called you? You didn't know but you looked backed at him, still smiling at Taehyung joke. You looked back but eyes not leaving your ice cream.

"Huh?" You, raising an eyebrow.

"If I'm the ice cream, then you're the sun, because every time I try to come close to you, you just make me melt." Jungkook said as he has a wide smile on his face, showing his bunny teeth.

Did he just tried to flirt with me?

Your eyes widen as you looked at him. How dare he. How dare he flirt with me. What does he think of him self? You didn't know what you felt but you had this urge to throw something at him.

At that moment, you saw your ice cream. A second later, the ice cream ended up on jungkook face.


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