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"If you're heart beats like it's about to explode, it's love,"

Mi-Yeong words repeated inside Jungkook's head.

You on the other hand, felt awkward, yet again. Especially because he had his arms wrapped around you, pulling you even close to his body.

You clear your throat as a sign for him to unwrap you from his hold. Jungkook was still shook especially because his heartbeat won't settle. It kept on thudding.

He slowly took his hands away from your back, but still he had this frozen state within himself. You got your self off of his body and stood up.

Jungkook wondered why. He wondered why there was oil all over the floor, specifically near his room and only in his door way.

You walked down the stairs to the front door, opening it. You heard someone calling your name and you looked. It was Mi-Yeong.

"You can't leave so soon!" She whined, coming closer to you.

"No, it's okay, I should get going," You denied.

"Aishh, you can't go without eating dinner with us," Jungkook mom smiled looking at your way from the kitchen.

"Yeah, let's eat dinner together." Mi-Yeong agreed before dragging you to the living room.

~ ~
The door bell ringed, Jungkooks mom went and opened the door. It was her husband.

"Honey, you're home!" Jungkook mom says, she stood straight and kisses his cheeks.

You cringe.

This was different for you. Your family was not the type to show love. It was weird for you to see two parents showing so much affection to each other.

"I'll wash up and help you with cooking, yeobo." Jungkook dad beamed as he walk up the stairs.

It really surprised you how their family work. You're family had always mind their own business.

They weren't as caring as Jungkook family. You didn't know how you felt, but it was way to cringy for you.

~ ~
The dining table was filled with foods. Bibimbap, Jjinmandu, Bulgogi, Samgyeopsal, Kimchi Jjigae.

You name it, and bet it was on the table. You wondered if they made these food every single day. This looked like heaven to you. All these delicious food made you tear up; didn't know where to start eating.

"Don't be shy," Jungkook mom chuckled, looking at your dazed face.

Jungkook came down from his room. The seat left on the table was in front of you. He slowly made his way to the seat.

After Jungkook mom told you to not be shy, you started putting food on your plate. You were so excited to eat all theses tasty food that you kind of forgot that you weren't at your home.

Your plate was filled. You started stuffing food inside your mouth, totally unaware of your surrounding. With a mouth full of food inside, you finally had the time to look up.

As you look up, you saw all eyes on you. They were looking how at you were eating. Instead of eating for themself, they were enjoying at how tastefully you were eating.

You gulp and sallow up the food, feeling awkward and embarrassed, "..S-sorry," You muttered, slowing putting your chopstick down.

"No, keep eating," Jungkook mom chuckled "You eat very well, it's entertaining to watch."

You gave her an awkward smile, then went back to eating. Again, you forgot about your surrounding because you were so focused on eating the delicious food on your plate.

Jungkook lips formed a smile as he look at you. She's so cute, he thought.

Everyone was done eating, yet you were still eating. You quickly stuff the last bit of kimchi inside your mouth. Finally finishing up.

You helped, taking the dishes to the sink. You started washing the dishes when suddenly Jungkook came. "Mwo?" (What?) You asked.

"It's my turn to do the dishes," He said.

"Your turn?" You questioned, confused.

"Yeah, since jungkook didn't help with cooking he needs to do the dishes," Mi-Yeong said, chuckling "We share our work."

"Oh," You mouth. You were so impressed with the way their family works. By now, you kind of, really wish you're family could be as jungkook  family.

You wished your family could cook together, forget cooking, maybe just, just eat together. Just sit together, with no argument. All you wished was a peaceful moment.

You quickly looked at the clock, it was 7:05. You gasp as you should be getting home now. You went and grab your backpack. Saying your farewell, you got out of the house before they could stop you again.

~ ~
You walked down the street, quickening your pace to get home quickly.

You bump into a little girl as she came from the side. "Oh, sorry" You said, lowering your self to the little girls level, ruffling her hair.

"Eonnie," She said, as if she had known you.

You gave her a smile, admiring the sweet tone of her. You have always had a thing for kids, they're so cute, it's your weakness.

"Eonnie, come with me." She started dragging you.

"No no, I should be getting home." You refused, trying to stop her from dragging you.

You had reached a building now, you looked at the name which reads New Hope Orphanage

"Chong-ah! Jojun! Balsa," She called. Little kids came running toward your direction "Doesn't she look like the eonnie."

"Wah, it really is her!"

"It's the Eonnie,"

They once again dragged you, inside the building. Then you saw a familiar figure, Taehyung.

W-what is he doing here

"Taehyung Oppa! Look we found the Eonnie," The little girl said.

So many things went inside your head, but only one thing was inside Taehyung, all he was thinking was how. How was he going to lie to you, how will he get away with this now.

You have found him inside the orphanage that he lives in. There was no way he could get through this now.


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