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Taehyung drag you to the playground near the orphanage. You didn't know why, but you wanted to know why he was in the orphanage. You wanted to know if whatever you were thinking was true.

Both, you and Taehyung stay in silence. Sitting next to each other on the swing. Of course, you wanted to ask him, you were so eager to know, but you wanted him to tell you himself. You didn't want to force upon him.

"I-I," Taehyung stuttered.

You heave a sigh and finally spoke. "Please don't force your self to tell me, if you're uncomfortable then you don't have to tell me."

Now it was Taehyung turn to stay silent. He was silent on the outside but inside he was debating weather he should tell you the truth or not. Finally after what seemed like an hour to you, Taehyung let out some words.

"No, I want to tell you the truth. I don't want to lie to you or anyone anymore. I hate to lie to you, and you might hate me after I say these words, but I'll just tell you the truth." He decided.


Your heart beat doubled. You didn't know if it was because of what Taehyung will say next, or if it's just him, that it's just Taehyung sitting next to you.

"I'm an orphan," Taehyung voice crack a bit as he said that. "You might be thinking, why haven't anyone adopted me yet? But they did. Before, but I don't know what happen, maybe I wasn't good enough, maybe they find out how worthless I was after adopting and that's why they put me back in the orphanage again."

Without knowing, tears were dripping down your cheeks. You were speechless. You tried to tell him not to be sad but your mouth couldn't let any words, you became mute at the sudden confession.

Taehyung came in front of you and lowered him self. He saw the tears that were steaming, he slowly moved his hands to your face, wiping the tears off. "No please, I didn't mean to make you cry, please don't cry,"

After he said that, tears came even more as you close your eyes."—I'm sorry Taehyung I'm so sorry, I thought my life was bad but no, It must have hurt living without no parents, I'm a such horrible girl for thinking my life is bad."

"Aish, stop calling your self horrible, your the most beautiful person I've known." After saying, Taehyung chuckle trying to make you laugh.

You smile as you wipe the tears off. Then you remember the little girl calling you like she had known you. "Taehyung?" You called.


"Why did the little girl tell you that she have found me?" You asked, curiosity was taking over you.

Taehyung face heat up, he told you the truth about himself, but now he was afraid to tell you the truth of yours.

Again, silence took over. This time, Taehyung was no near telling you the truth, because he knows this will break your heart into pieces.

"I'm sorry, but you're—" Taehyung got cut by your phone ringing. You took out your phone as you see your dad calling.

You widened your eyes as you look at the time. It was past 9 Pm.

"H-hello," You stuttered.



You ended the phone call, quickly getting up, "I-I should get going it's already late"

"Wait, I can walk with yo—"

"No it's okay." You said, running away.

~ ~
"Is it okay to be this late?" Your dad asked, "Where have you been?"

"I-I was studying at my f-friends house," You said, mentally face palming yourself. I did not just call Jungkook my friend.

"Don't be late next time." He said, walking up the stairs to his room. As soon as he left, the front door opened; reveling a drunken Jimin.

You felt bad, you get yelled at because you come home late. But, you were studying. Yet, Jimin comes home late, drunk, and unconscious. You felt like screaming your lungs out, your blood was boiling.

"how come you come home late, drunk and I can't stay late." You screamed the words out at him.

"Yah, YOU! How DaRE youu~ raise your voice at mEe~ " Jimin drunkly slurred.

"Why can't I get the freedom that you get!"

Jimin stayed silent after that. He then softly let out, "That's because they don't care about me"

You scoffed. "They don't care about you? Yeah right, that's why mom always cries and get hurts by your words"

"Don't— mention her," He blurt.

You shook your head. "When will you change,"

"I won't change because the truth can't be changed." Jimin, angrily yelled.

"What truth huh? The fact that you denied your blood relation to your own mother?"

"No the fact that I'm adopted!"

"Wh— no, you're adopted?" You couldn't believe Jimin words. "Stop saying whatever comes to your mind, because you're drunk"

"NO—No, I know exactly what I'm saying. And I know it's the truth," Jimin said. "You wanna know why I hate mom?"

You nodded as a sign for Jimin to continue.

"I hate her because she wants to hide it, the fact that I'm adopted. Dad and mom fight because dad wants to tell us the truth, but mom she wants me to live my life with a lie, they are not my parents Jiyeon. They have been lying to us the whole time." Jimin had teary eyes.

"They don't let you stay out late, because they care, you're their daughter. But me? What I am? Just a little boy that they happen to adopt."

Thought you hated Jimin for all the things he'd done, the words he just said melted all the hate you gave him. You finally understood why, and you felt sorry. Sorry for the hate you gave him without knowing the real truth.

"I-I'm sorry Jimin," You muttered while a tear escape your eye.


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