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"I don't pity you," Jungkook denied his own words that he'd said before.

"Stop lying. Just stop f**king lying. You don't love me, you just pity me. You just feel bad."

"I don't feel bad, I mean not in that way. I don't love you because I feel bad, I love you because it's you!"

"No. Just no. I know exactly why you feel bad for me, you feel bad because I don't have what you have. I don't have a happy family like yours. that's why I look so sympathetic to you. And that's why you f**king pity me." You said as you push him away and walk ahead.

Jungkook came running, holding your shoulder to stop you. "You think getting JEALOUS when you kissed Taehyung was PITYING? Forget kissing, just you talking to him makes me jealous, do I call that pitying?"

You stayed silent. Looking him in the eyes for a second before you freed your self from him, again walking ahead.

"Why do I get so jealous when you talk to him, why do I keep wishing it was ME who you talk with?"

He came in front of you, blocking your way.

"You think wanting to see you smile, and be happy, to be able to be the reason why you smile is pitying?, you think I did that all because I pitied you?"

He continues,

"You think getting butterflies while looking at you, just wanting to make you mines already, wishing to have you in my arms, getting flustered looking at you, wanting to kiss you is PITYING?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Jungk—"

Your words were cut by Jungkook, as he had pushed you against the brick wall of the building. Pressing his lips against yours, not being able to hear you deny it's isn't love anymore.

You widened you eyes, as everything had happened as fast as lightening. You hit Jungkook chest, fighting back. But you couldn't, you couldn't escape his hold. He had pressed his body against yours, making it even harder for you to escape.

You didn't kiss back, but he didn't stop kissing you either.

You gave up trying to get away from him, because you know that he's way too stronger than you, so you let him. You let him kiss you.

Jungkook put his arm around your waist, pulling you even closer, deepening the kiss.

Yeah, you didn't fight back anymore, but you also close your eyes. And unknowing, your lips tried to moving in sync with his.

You couldn't stop yourself from kissing him back. But it wasn't your fault, it was your lips. Who tried to kiss him back.

You didn't know why, but the atmosphere was sadden. You felt a tear dropped down on your cheeks, you quickly open your eyes, realizing that you were actually kissing him back.

The tears were from Jungkook. He was crying. But he didn't know, he didn't know he was crying, because the only thing in his mind was, he was kissing you.

You were running out of breathe, but Jungkook wouldn't back away. It was as if Jungkook became instantly addicted to your lips.

You were panting for some air, Jungkook opened his eyes for a second as he sees you. He pulled away from the kiss, but not from you.

He put his forehead against yours, he was panting himself, as he was tired from running and out of breathe from kissing you.

"W-why are you crying?" You asked, slightly taken back.

But Jungkook didn't know. He didn't know that he was so happy that you kissed him back, even thought if it was unwillingly, he was so happy that tears escape his eyes. "I told you, that I love you." He said.

"I can't even love my self Jungkook, I'm- my parents didn't even love me; maybe that's why they left me. How can I accept someone else love if I don't even love myself?"

"I know. I know that you're adopted. But that doesn't mean you can't be love. Maybe you don't love yourself but I love you. Maybe I love you more than you love yourself," Jungkook said. "Have you ever tired to love yourself?"

"No, no one dares to love me, not even my self—"

Jungkook peck your lips, stopping you from saying furthermore. "If you keep saying no one loves you, then I'll kiss you. Because I do. Aren't I human? Then why don't I count as a person who loves you?"


Jungkook leans in to kiss you again. Widening your eyes as you quickly cover your mouth with your hand. Jungkook smiled at your action as he placed a soft kiss on your hands. "Let's go home now." He said, pulling you.

You stayed still.

Jungkook looked at you, sighing. "Did someone hurt your feelings? Why are you acting like this?" He asked as he wonders why you're so unwilling to go back.

You nodded your head, telling him that you're hurt. "Who hurt you?" Jungkook question, tone filled with anger.

"Your girlfriend," You said, remembering Chae-Young harsh words against you. Her harsh words; calling you orphan.

"M-my girlfriend?" Jungkook said as he remembers that he actually has a girlfriend, already.


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